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He came running out of the  woods like a mad man.

I just sat there and stared.

"What are you running for? Where are you going?..." I paused, "Here? Are you running to me?" I said quietly to myself, while shaking my head at his enthusiasm.

He looked up at me with his wide blue eyes and sighed as if he were agreeing with me. I lauged. He was really something.

We sat there for a moment really studying each other.

I looked into his eyes really memorizing each pigment in his ice colored eyes.

He looked like he was doing the same with me.

He has such a natural wild beauty to him, that I have a hard time beliveing any human in this world could come close to the amount of perfection he carried with him.

"What could you be looking at? Am I that interesting to look at?" I asked.

He barked in ammusment.

"Hmm. I guess I must be interesting. Well I can't imagine you think I'm pretty, I'm a human, your a wolf. That woudn't make sense."

He growled at this. Hmmm... So he could hear me, and understand me? Was he responding to me?

I would never get used to spending time with him. Nothing ever made sense, yet it was like everything clicked into place when I was with him.

I thought for a moment, maybe I could start to decipher his barks and growls. "Okay, so you can hear me.  But do you understand me?" I asked.

I was rewarded with a loud bark from him. I chuckled. I thought he must just be in the mood to respond to me, but didn't believe he actally knew what I was saying.

"Hmm okay... how about give me a howl if you acctually understand me." I said cockily, knowing this plan would probably fail.

His eyes bore into mine for a moment, like he was really contemplating his next move, and then; he lifted his muzzle to the sky and let out his deep howl.

I sat on my attic roof in disbelief. My heart started racing and I couldn't think straight. I started breathing heavier.

He looked back at me from his spot on the woods floor as if asking me to keep the questions flowing.

But all of a sudden my mind was blank. I was out of questions. I couldn't think what to ask a wolf who apperently understands what I'm saying.

He barked playfully as if egging me on.

"Okay, okay I'm thinking... Bark if your a boy wolf, and growl if your a girl wolf." He barked.

Well I was almost positive I already knew that answer, and it could have been another lucky response.

So boy. Okay.

"Growl if I'm wrong, bark if I'm right. Are you 17?" Growl. "Okay, 18?" Growl. "Hmm 16?" He replied with a really scary and deep growl, one that I've only heard when he has been protecting me.

Like at the club. That time my car broke down. When I got sick at that party last year. When the other  wolves were circling me, tonight when he saved me from Dom's antics.

I guessed that growl meant I was getting further from his age, so I guessed higher. "Okay, so not 16. Are you 19?" Growl. "Dàmn, okay. 20? Are you a 20  year old wolf!?"

He barked loud and playfully as he jumped up and down and spun around in a circle.

"Okay so, 20 years old."

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