16. hello.

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"Can we go inside now, it's freezing?" Trent asked his girl.

"Yes we can, you have a change of clothes right?"

"Yes. I actually packed for 2 nights."

"You did? You knew I was going to forgive you."

"It was honest luck, and hope. Also Pop told me too. He's a very wise man."

"He's also a cheeky fucker sometimes, just ask Nanny."

The two walked inside and Trent was quickly greeted with hello's and hugs. Even though the boy was soaking wet they all hugged him. They offered him the bathroom to go change into some warm clothes.  They did quick little hugs so they weren't wet as well.

Nanny hugged him and said, "Trent we have missed you dear, you must come visit more."

"Don't worry Nanny, I will be I forgot how beautiful it was up here. Especially since important people live up here." He gave the whole family a smile. The boy truly did love this family as his own.

After Trent finished changing he came down stairs and gave them all bigger hugs than before. Then he sat on the couch with his girl in his arms. It was the

"So Trent how is football going?" Donnie asked.

"It's going pretty well. I have to work on endurance and shooting a little bit more." Trent replied to him.

"Yeah, I remember coaching Andy till he signed for Liverpool. The boy can run for 90 minutes straight and make everyone else look absolutely exhausted." The girls' dad said back to Trent.

"He is just peak physical condition. But both of our crosses are getting a lot better." He said back.

"To be fair son, your free kicks need some work too." He said laughing.

Trent started laughing with him then said," Oh believe me I get enough shit from your daughter here about it."

"Well, I am not wrong. So I am not sorry. We just want you to improve." She teased her boyfriend along with her family.

"Thank you I appreciate it." The young lad said back to the comments.

"I am always available if you need help or tips on ways too improve if you want." Donnie said wanting to help the young boy succeed. Even though he is on Liverpool, he still wants the boy to improve. Since he knows what it is like being a young lad in the public eye playing football. He knows the criticism they get for just one match.

"I am going to take you up on that offer. Taking tips and learning from the Donnie Williams is an honor." Trent said back to his girl's dad. He loved that he genuinely cares for him. The football discussion died down, so Shannon started asking questions about how he is mentally doing and then started asking about Ollie.

"How is our son doing Trent? We haven't heard much from him." Shannon asked the young boy knowing he would tell them.

"He is in the Netherlands with Ali at the moment. She is at a modeling show this weekend so he decided to go with since he has the ankle injury." Trent replied to Shannon reassuring the family that he is okay.

"Good. He and Ali are quite smitten with each other aren't they?"

"Yes, they connected really quickly. Virg is really happy for them. He finally approves of one of his sister boyfriends. We have heard about them all, Ollie seems to be the only one for her."

"I'm very happy for him. I can't wait to see him soon."

"He can't wait either. Trust me on that."

"Okay enough with my brother. I love him but he's not her. Do we want to go to the Horseshoe?" Eva asked the group.

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