Chapter 10

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Song= High enough- K. Flay


Heat spread through my skin, leaving my cheeks glowing as soon as that horrible little rat had left the school area. I refused to look at the two goblins grinning behind me. I waved my hand in the air and listened to the tapping sounds of their disappearing footsteps.

I was not going back inside. I couldn't find a way to calm myself. Wouldn't be able to avoid the curious gazes that'll follow me. But it was too early to go home. Father was probably still working and would be far from pleased by my early arrival.

So instead, I decided to stroll through town. It could be quite peaceful sometimes. I liked how all the voices in my head were drowned out by the surrounding noise.

I liked the sound of cars, driving and whining through the streets. The sound of ambulances and police cars, with their howling sirens finding their way straight into your eardrum. The sound of people yelling, talking, laughing. I liked the noise because it wouldn't leave me alone, trapped in my own head.

After I'd walked the same empty streets 3 times, I made a left turn and ended up in an empty parking lot. I sat down on an elevated concrete floor, next to a steel fence, cold air hitting my face.

I felt a hand on my cold hair. My body tensed as I felt a shadow sneak up beside me. Everything went still. I turned my head to meet the face of a guy with a short army cut and brown smooth skin.

Completely silent, he sat down beside me before he pulled something out of his pocket. A square package.

He took a cigarette between his fingers and handed the package to me.

"You want one?"

I shook my head. "No thank you," I said coldly.

I watched as the guy placed the cigarette between his lips, the familiar yellow glow appearing at the end of it. He exhaled and a grey cloud consumed us.

"You don't smoke huh?" he asked, his voice deep and steady.

I turned my head towards the guy again. "Not anymore."

"Why'd you quit?" he looked at me. His brown eyes flickered in the lurking darkness. I breathed before I answered, "My mother caught me. Told me it was not proper for a boy like me. That she would rather let me live on the streets than have the smell of smoke stain her walls."

"Tough," he said through the wind.

"Yeah, I guess."

"You know I've seen you around school, strolling through the hallways, students making way for you, fearing the look you might give them," the guy said as he leaned back, letting another calming blow slip through his teeth.

My mouth parted into a smile. "You go to Hogwarts?"

It didn't mean to come out as an insult. But I guess it did.

"Yeah, I've never needed to be that visible. But you know, I think that's kinda cool," he grinned.

"What is?"

I met his dark eyes, the color of dark mahogany with strings of golden honey in between.

"You know, having the whole school lying at your feet."

"Well not the whole school," I said looking at the ground. I felt the guy's gaze weighing on me. "The new kid, Potter. He seems to think that he gets to do whatever he wants."

I flinched at the memory from earlier, my insides twisting into knots.

"But, then why don't you teach him a lesson?" The guy asked.

"I already tried that. Twice. But he doesn't seem to get the point."

The guy slowly rubbed his cigarette on the ground, killing the light that had formerly glowed.

"You know, I think you're going about it the wrong way. I think he can sense your eagerness. You have to let him think he won before you strike," he smirked, looking at the ground.

I hadn't even thought of that.

"I think I'm starting to like you. Can't say it happens that often. What's your name?"

The guy grinned.

"I'm Blaise," he said, flashing his white teeth.

"Well, Blaise, I think you and I are gonna be great friends.

Arghhh yessss. We all love Blaise right? Well, I certainly do. Do you think he is going to be an obstacle or help? Remember to vote! I really need to get this story out there. Thank you<3

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