Woo! 30k Special Chapter!

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how the fuck did we make it to 30k goddam



as a gift i have made a special chapter

some more xiao x reader bc of the ship

if you guys want me to make a venti x reader as a 50k special... 

get us to 50k :D

alright enjoy

it isnt connected to the storyline, but some aspects will be used later on in the story





You jumped and spun around for a flurry of teal-colored wind to appear in front of you. A certain green-clad bard jumped through and grabbed your arms.

"Venti-!?" You yelped. "W-what are you-"

"I need you to play the Dihua Flute! Please!" Venti begged, shaking your arms.

You gently took your arms back. "What? Why?"

"It's the full moon, and I always play the flute so the Yaksha's memory is preserved. But I have something important to do, so can you play?" 

"And what's so 'important' that you can't do this?" You questioned, crossing your arms.

"Y/n, come on, please? You already know how to play the flute, and you're close to Xiao!" A very detailed flute appeared in Venti's hands, and he thrust it out towards you, his eyes big and pleading. You sighed. Cute faces are a weakness for you.

"Fine," You took the Dihua flute, and Venti threw his arms around you, squeezing. He chirped a thank you, then disappeared into wind again.

You ran your fingers gently over the ridges of the flute, wondering where an appropriate spot would be to play it. 

You eventually teleported to a mountain peak in Jueyun Karst, the yellow trees overhead swaying gently in the winds. Walking closer to the edge, you sat down, crossing your legs. Staring out at the clouds, you breathed in some air. You lifted the flute to your lips.

The noise that came out first was so smooth, and resonated all over the mountains and hills, seeming to carry even to Liyue Harbor. Your fingers expertly maneuvered around the holes, as if someone else was moving them. A few birds joined the music but stopped as you held the low note at the end. The echo finally ended, and you lowered the flute, closing your eyes to enjoy the silence.

You heard the grass behind you rustle, along with a soft thud next to you. Your eyes snapped open, and you jumped, looking to your left. 

Xiao sitting with his legs dangling over the edge, leaning back on his hands. His golden eyes stared out at Liyue.

"Keep playing," He mumbled. You the noticed that his eyes seemed glassy.

You relaxed again, raising the flute to play a soft song. 

(hour long lol, just listen to it until the end of the chapter. its around a minute in, since the first like 50 seconds are just random. there's some random piano music, just pretend that its the flute o.o)

The sound was again incredibly smooth, your eyes eventually fell shut as you focused on your fingers brushing against the surface of the flute. You were aware of the gentle wind swaying against you face, Xiao's hair slightly brushing your shoulder when the wind hit it. 

You could tell the music was working, since Xiao's breath seemed to become steadier.

You were there for archons know how long, just playing the flute, ignoring how your fingers were starting to hurt. You felt something heavy on your shoulder, ignoring it; a few birds joining in the song with low calls.

When you had finally opened your eyes, the moon was dipping below the horizon, the sky being painted a dusty orange as the sun started to peek through. You placed the flute on the grass beside you and looked to your left shoulder. Xiao's eyes were closed, his face serene and relaxed, breaths shallow and steady.

You moved his head to your lap, as he moved his body a bit to be completely laying down. He mumbled something incoherent, and you reached down, hand absently stroking his teal-colored hair. The gentle strokes seemed to send the adeptus into a deeper sleep that he most definitely needed.

You sat there, watching the sunrise with a sleeping Yaksha. 




i made this while watching youtuber dish feel pain

i also choked on water a couple times

this was actually done in 3 hours which is like a record

hope you guys enjoyed the fluff


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