Anti Player (Final)

490 14 7


"Nandayo, Kioto?"

"Do people change?"

I stood up and leaned over the railing to get a closer view of the gym layout

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I stood up and leaned over the railing to get a closer view of the gym layout. 

It was obvious that Seirin would be the rising phoenix of the match.

However, there seems to be something strange. Nothing wrong the layout, just what many call instinct.

Something will happen...

Riko, Ayame, Seijuro.

What will I witness?

I watched as the game unveiled, Rakuzan seemed to be pressuring the Seirin team, blocking plenty of their shots. Being a fast-paced offensive team, Seirin quickly passed the ball around, reaching a certain redhead who scored with Meteor Jam.

The game went on.

I still couldn't see it.


What is it?

What will happen?

I wish I could use my ability...

"Kioto, have a lollipop!" Hana gently bumped me in the shoulder.

"Hai..." I slowly unwrapped the lollipop before turning back to the game.The match went on as Kuroko was subbed by Mitobe.

Tetsuya caught my attention by giving a subtle wave. Nodding in return, I was reminded of a thought.

Why is it, that Tetsuya never enters Zone?

Seijuro switched his target, intending to guard Kagami and leaving Hayama discouraged.


Ankle Break.




"Kioto," Ayame's voice glided smoothly into my thoughts, "what is victory?"

I perked up at her words.

"What makes someone a victor?"

"A victor; A person who defeats an enemy or opponent in a battle, game, or other competition." I recited.

"Is that so..?" Ayame mused, before turning back to the game, muttering something underneath her breath.

Kuroko reentered the court, as everyone cheered.

"His presence!" Hina screeched.

"Hah?" A tanned blue head leaned forward.

"Nandayo?" A pale green head flinched, startled.

"IT'S GONE!" Hina screeched, once again.

Sighing, I closed my eyes as they bickered about Kuroko's now existent presence.

A sudden thought struck me when I remembered Ayame's bet.

"Such an idiotic headache..." I smirked before closing my eyes.

I think I got it now...

You really think the red camellia will blossom, Ayame.

Though who will it be?

Seijuro or Nii-san?


HI GUYS (AND THE UNFORGETTABLE GIRLS!!!) SORRY TO HAVE BEEN GONE FOR SUCH A LONG TIME, HAVING SOME WRITER'S PROCRASTINATION HERE. But dw, I got most of the plot figured out, just trying to smooth the story out a bit. Promise the next chapter will be longer, 'kay?



The Nameless Ace (UNDER EDITING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora