StoryTime: His Glock

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I run to my room and I slam the door - I don't think I can put up with this anymore.

 I'm sick of the pain they're causing me on the daily. Why hasn't anyone reached out and try to save me? I'm such a loser and everyone knows it.  I'm dying inside, but I still I never show it.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me is my least favorite saying; their malicious words are what have lead me to these new options I'm weighing. The words slice through my wrist and I bleed out all of the pain, each drop of blood tainted by words used to call me out of my name.

They have no sympathy and show no remorse. They don't know I've been hanging by a thread since my parents divorce. 

I was trying my best to stay steadfast on a peaceful course. Debating between life or death this point would be beating a dead horse.

 I just wanted some friends, was that too much to ask? They'll come to regret the days that they stood by and laughed.

 I woke up today with evil intentions, today will be the day I get all the attention. I'll even end up getting a newspaper mention, probably on how more kids like me should call the hotline for prevention.

No more procrastinating It's now or never. This will be the day they remember my real name forever. 

I walk into the lunch room and stand right on the table, so that they may all witness.

 Pull the gun out of the bag and point to my head 

God please give me your forgiveness.

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