Ying & Yang

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Opposites that complete each other, bringing chaos, and peace colliding on the path of balance. There is nothing that is inevitably only one way. Life is often based off of perspective, how we choose to see things in life can change the outcome of what we hope to achieve and if we achieve those things. 

Therefore in order to achieve true balance, we need to acknowledge the fact that nothing and no one is all good nor all bad. 

We all need light to live and thrive - as much as we need the darkness to rest and reflect.

The way that life and death coincide; death reminds us of our own mortality and therefore, we choose to live to a higher standard.


That same situation can cause one to spiral down a dark and narrow path. Once again, perspective is key. 

It's how balance is can be achieved.

Of course there are many nuances and factors that create a variety of possibilities.

Take yourself outside of your mind and watch your thoughts as a bystander.

What are the different perspectives you can see?

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