Whats Free?

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When you no longer have to step into your generic skin before every event, function, or meeting. 

When you're no longer faking it till you make it, and you're simply succeeding.

Is it when a police offer drives by, and your life doesn't instantly flash before your eyes?

Or when they don't look at you like they want your whole races demise?

 No, actually, it must be when your thoughts and ideas can no longer be stifled by society's perspective.

 Or living with your heart on your sleeve like you could never be rejected.

When mental and physical health is no more neglected.

 When you have knowledge of self and self respect.

 Certainly when you're out of jail and off probation, you must be free then.

When you don't have to do anything you condemn.

We all want to be free in the end.

Tell me what free means to you then.

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