Modest Godess

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Not following anything, but her dreams, by which she's possessed.

Even when she wins, she's barely impressed.

Continuously striving to be her best.

She's grinding 24/7 with no need for acknowledgment.

She's ambitious, working through all her trials and tribulations.

No time for negative energy and pointless conversations.

She's got goals.

 She doesn't need anyone else to be whole.

 Just know that I see you working hard, and I'm so damn proud.

I'm rooting for you from the seats in your supportive crowd.

Moving in silence while you keep achieving.

 People wondering how you got all that you have — you're the reason.

You're not looking for any outside validation.

 I hope you know you're amazing.

I love seeing you flourish. 

A daughter to your parents, earth, and God - You remain vulnerable with your love and kindness so its other souls you can nourish.

You're a Gem in this world. 

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