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We're all slaves to an organized system of different sorts of oppression and hypocrisy. 

Making us choose between our dreams, spending time with our family, having fun, or our survival.

Thats how money became our biggest idol.

Ignoring our morals and principles for a j-o-b that challenges our integrity.

 Forcing our hand in allowing ourselves to be disrespected, burn out, and neglected -  As if our mental health won't be affected.

 Hard to heal after going for your dream and being rejected.

Failure can help us see our own lives from a new perspective . 

That's what it all comes down to - when the sun departs and the moons rises.

Hard to pursue our lives without making compromises.

But don't forget the bigger picture of why we were all created.

Even though that concept has been repeatedly debated.

I believe There has to be a bigger purpose.

We weren't put here on earth to work like slaves for a piece of fake paper with real consequences , but we all have to eat. I get it, I'm just saying , why can't we achieve that by following our real dreams instead of having to settle for a job that doesn't fulfill us ? 

We should all be able to pursue the real us. 

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