Dear Sudan

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I know you're going through so much right now, I can't get you off my mind. I'm sure that's the case for all of us who carry the prideful DNA of your roots in our veins, that same blood that pours from the scars of the beating you've obtained.

The men and women that they've tried to shame.

 All the martyrs that they've claimed .

Yet and still, from violence you refrain.

My tears roll as I write this. Tears of admiration, a feeling of pride in country, and people. Unlike anything I've ever felt in my life. 

Now i know what it is to be sudanese - meaning you never get down on your knees to any man who thinks he can bully us into submission.

It means to carry on with integrity, no matter what the conditions.

Thank you for showing us that nothing will ever stand in the way of anyone who carries your DNA.

 To see you all so united in the streets  screaming with every bit of air that enters your surely bruised and battered lungs,  it's a miraculous sight indeed.

 From the elderly to the children, and every age in between.

We all stand in solidarity until the day you are what you've always deserved - to be FREE.

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