Godly love

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 I want to know what you talk to God about. Have you ever asked about me? Because if you asked him for peace and serenity - for you - those are things I'm destined to be. 

When you're on your knees with your hands up telling God all things you hope to acquire, am I one of those heavenly desires? 

At your most vulnerable times do you ask him to put a partner by your side to help you carry the weight of your burdens? Would you believe me if I told you the tranquility you seek is all within me? And not in the sense that I complete you, which evidently I do, but in a way that we compliment each other so effortlessly. 

I bring out the best in you, just as you pull out the best in me.

Of course we will have disagreements like everybody does, but we won't need to raise our voices to get our point across, trying to make each other feel little - instead we will have a debate like equals who can come to diplomatic conclusions. 

One day when we have kids - a terrifying and joyous thought. 

We will teach them the accumulation of the experiences our lives has brought.

I will be the one to tie your burdens around my waist and carry them as if they were my own, just like you would do for me.

We would communicate openly about the ways that we felt throughout our relationship.

Our fate is still unknown, to us at least.

Soon our fate will delegate if we ever get to meet.

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