False Prophets 2

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Whats the key to heaven?

To be a sheik, priest, or a reverend?

To make people believe that your heaven sent?

People pick and chose in religion what they deem relevant.

See religion can be contorted by the tongue of man.

And often has been the case.

Irony in the fact that they chase our admiration and we  embrace.

The world is a strange place made harder by the challenges we face.

These days faith is in high demand.

How can you tell me that between God and man, you need a middle man.

The concept of God and religion can often be hard to comprehend.

 So I ground my self in spirituality.

The whole idea of life and creation is in itself so substantial.

Differentiate the Man of God and the man who is simply chasing the financial. 

False prophets - making dirty profits.

Im the last one to sit here and preach on things I barely understand, these are just observations.

To be connected to a higher power you don't need any delegation.

Faith is hard to come by  - nurture is essential to its preservation.

Im in no way saying that there's no room for scholars and teachers to teach and show the true meaning of religion.

Make sure to watch with a little suspicion.

They've walked among us all along.

Denying all their wrongs.

Preaching the word in the light and practicing hypocrisy in pitch black.

False prophets walk among us, its sadly a fact.

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