Questionable Love

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How can you plant a seed in the dark and expect it to grow? How can I be expected to reciprocate the emotion of love that I've never known?

How can I crave something I never had or even remotely understood, something I've never even given myself,  so why do I think anyone else should, or even could ? 

Why do I feel compelled to be in a relationship instead of being content on my own, why must my happiness rely on others, why can't I find peace in sitting alone on my throne?

Why are we taught that we're only complete when we find our better half? but what if I don't like that math?  I never did like fractions. 

What if this so called "better half" is only there as a distraction. To keep me preoccupied from the loathing feeling of loneliness I still have inside, leaving me confused at how these feelings can coincide.

Making up excuses as I try to forcefully jam them into the void in my heart, subconsciously knowing they were never made to play this part.

How come they don't teach us the bliss in being your own missing puzzle piece? Why don't they teach us the value of you being the only one you'll truly ever need?

 Why does the thought of being alone give me so much anxiety?  Why isn't self love a bigger deal in our society?

My intentions in writing this were not to bash the idea of love, or even loving other people.

 I think loving others before learning to love yourself is deceitful.

 Just stating that I believe self love should be the priority, and loving others should be the sequel.

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