Modern Day Slaves ( BLM)

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The year is 2022 and we're still oppressed.

 We're still modern day slaves with bull's-eyes on our chest.

The world has evolved, and so have the methods of oppression, everyday that goes by another black body is added to the collection. 

We're all a bunch of "violent thugs and killers" strictly based on that fact that we're all a bunch of " niggas". 

They carry guns, wear a unified color, and call themselves "boys in blue". They'll kill anyone with a black skin on. Doesn't that sound like an authorized gang?

Yet WE are the only ones outlined on the pavement at the end of every Blues BANG! 

They can't dig graves fast enough to keep up with all the pigmented bodies - they say it's because we all look alike -  like we're just a bunch of disposable dark copies. 

While they try to distract us in the media with stories of irrelevance - trying to insult our intelligence. 

As if the bullets we receive are part of our inheritance. 

 Do you know what it's like to wake up everyday and hesitate to leave the house? 

Not knowing if it might be your last time coming home 

All because the color of your skin qualifies you to get infinite shots to your dome. 

We carry the burden of walking around with an expiration date, never knowing which day a man might claim our fate . 

Are they intimidated by our roots? The fact that we come from kings and queens? is that why they feel the need to suppress our progression by any means?

 Centuries of being beaten and killed -  yet they roll their eyes when we bring up our ancestors - annoyed by the fact that our wounds still haven't healed.

As if our pain makes them uncomfortable and it's the reason we should keep it concealed. 

They chant All lives matter because they claim that Black lives matter is an absurd statement! 

However we're the only lives on national tv being brutally battered - while millions watch black intellect get splattered on the pavement. 

Appropriating our culture any chance they get, but when we reclaim our own thrones, were simply sentenced to death.

Our melanin is beautiful and glows like gold. 

We wear crowns on our heads imported from the kingdoms they stole. 

They robbed us of our freedom - but royalty is imbedded in our DNA. 

You can never take our heritage away. 

We will continue to fight today and every other day for our right to be free.

 Because they see us as modern day slaves - being killed for everyone to see .

BlackLivesMatter - BlackLivesMatter - BlackLivesMatter - BlackLivesMatter -BlackLivesMatter 

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