▪ Chapter 27 (The Right Way) ▪

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     Hisako sharpened her knives, glaring with puffy red eyes at the picture of Izuku being able to walk. 

     "He's walking, Dad," Hisako all but nearly growled. "Walking like he's better than me!"

     Hisashi sweated nervously, his daughter could be scarier than he wanted at times. 

     "Well, darling, we both know he isn't-" he started to say, in deep hope to try and elevate his daughter's spirit. He loved her, truly. She was the perfect child, sweet, caring, loving, and beautiful. At least in his eyes she was.

     She threw the knife violently, screaming as she enhanced the force using her quirk. 

     "I know that! You know that! But what good is that if Katsuki doesn't know that?!" Hisako burst into angry tears. "I want to get him now! Now!" Her voice shouted, becoming more and more desperate. She sounded like a lunatic.

     Hisashi lowered his eyes, "My dear.... You killed two of our members. Tomura needs more time to plan. I need more time, not to mention, new recruits."

     Hisako screamed, "Well then, what are you doing here?! Get out! Go find them! NOW!"

     Never had Hisashi ran so quickly. 

. o O o . 

     Izuku frowned slightly on the bus to the trip. The class was excited again, but the school demanded that they brought more pro-heroes with them. It was a foolish and dangerous idea to go on another trip just a month from the last attack, but the staff all agreed that a break was needed for the newly healed kids. Also, they assumed that the villains wouldn't attack so quickly after one of the greatest feats they had ever pulled. 

     Katsuki nudged him with his shoulder, noticing the green-haired boy's down behavior. 

     "What's bothering you?" Katsuki asked, also noting that Izuku kicked his legs up and down gently. It was something Izuku did recently, just to make sure it was real- to make sure he could actually freely move his legs again without pain or damage.

     Small tears formed in Izuku eyes, but he shook them off by physically shaking his head. 

     "It's nothing," Izuku hesitated, knowing Katsuki would understand that when he said that he meant that he didn't want to talk. But he also knew that Katsuki never liked that as an answer. And Izuku didn't feel like leaving Katsuki in the dark again when he had helped him so much already. 

     "It's just that I though that maybe Dabi would have been able to see this too," Izuku said quietly. 

     Katsuki's eyebrows rose when he got that answer. The sound of Izuku continuing shocked him a little. But the reaction was immediate because he knew that if Izuku could tell him that- it meant that he had trusted him enough to do so. 

     So, Katsuki nodded, frankly he didn't like Dabi. But he replied with a soft hug, "It's not your fault. You know that, right?"

     Izuku nodded, digging his head into Katsuki's chest, holding back tears. 

     When he spoke, his voice was muffled by Katsuki's shirt, "He died trying to sneak me out. He wouldn't have died if he didn't help me. He was trying to help me..."

     Katsuki hugged him tighter. 

     "No, you're wrong. He didn't die because he sneaked you out. He died because that witch couldn't handle it."

     Izuku looked up at Katsuki, eyes threatening to burst, "Hisako- I made her like that-"

     Katsuki burst all of a sudden. He was never good at this kind of stuff, the comforting, caring guy. No, he tried, but the best way he communicated was by harsh words. That was the main reason why he wasn't excepted by many. But he hoped Izuku understood. Hisako never had. 

     "Stop being selfish!" he said, surprising both of them. "Hisako killed him, and you were just caught there just like I was. Just like the extras were. But you don't see us telling ourselves that it was our fault. That burnt guy made that decision all by himself. So stop blaming yourself for something you didn't do!"

     He huffed, and then he froze as tears escaped from Izuku's green eyes. Katsuki's face turned into regret, and he cursed himself for yelling. In fact, he didn't notice when the whole bus grew silent. 

     However, Izuku smiled brightly. The weight he carried gone somewhat because he knew what Katsuki was saying, 'You're making me worried. Stop blaming yourself for something she did'. Not many would have understood that, most would start yelling back at him or cry more. But Izuku, he knew, along with Katsuki's friends. Heck, even most of the class. 

     The class quickly grew loud again as they were satisfied by Izuku's reaction. 

     "Thank you, Kacchan," Izuku said, wiping at his tears. He took a satisfying breath of air. "I needed that."

     Izuku quickly added a small peck on the cheek. Katsuki replied by turning a slight pink, but he grabbed Izuku's chin gingerly and kissed him in a more rash manner than Izuku's graceful kiss.

     As they parted, Izuku let his tears of relief come more steadily. He let go of negative thoughts, including one of his memories.

     Hisashi sighed again as Izuku scraped his knee and cried. 

     "Stop crying. It's not going to solve anything, child," he stated as he scoffed at the still crying child. 

     "Stop crying!" Hisashi demanded, and Inko shushed him. 

     "Hisako is asleep. Don't wake her up," Inko said, not sparing a glance at Izuku, nor caring what specifically he was saying to their son. 

     "Izuku Midoriya," Hisashi whispered, but somehow his voice still sounded strong. "If you don't stop crying at this moment-" He warned. 

     Izuku's lip trembled, but he forcefully stopped. 

     Hisashi grew satisfied, and he smiled, "Good, good, Izuku. Now, from now one. Do not cry. Am I clear?"

     Izuku nodded, tears silently escaping his eyes.

(A/N: So, two controversial things other than the usual were mentioned. Two that I thought needed a bit more recognition. The first, not all people are going to comfort you all the time in the way you expect them to. Sometimes, they have their own way of telling you certain things (-and to be clear, I'm not saying that you have to accept rude people and deal with it because it's 'their way of telling you'). Secondly, I'm sure at least some have heard your parents or friends tell you to 'Stop crying because it won't fix anything'. It may just be me, but I don't think anyone should say that to anyone who is crying. Crying is a way of expression, and though it physically won't fix anything, it will mentally. Crying is healthy, and not to mention natural. And sayings like that will only encourage the person to feel like they cannot show expression to you or anyone. 

Sorry, that was a lot... I just wanted to express that to someone. If you don't agree, that's totally up to you. That was just my train of thought. 

Thank you, and I hope you enjoyed!)

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