Four: Stronger

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Over the months Aria discovered her true self, she's been focusing on going back to what she used to do. Painting nails, but first, she has to prove to herself that she is strong enough to be around humans. Hearing a knock had her running downstairs. Emmett was shocked as the door opened up. "Hi." She said.

"Hey, thought I could give you a ride."

Aria grabbed her jacket and looked at him. "Let's go."

"I forgot to mention that your nails looked amazing. Who did them?"

"I did." She tells him as she opened the door. "I've been known to fix nails, but now that I'm getting stronger, I'm going to go back to making money with my nail salon."

"Wow." He said. "Aria, don't pressure yourself into doing this..."

"Emmett, I'm only doing it one person at a time." She tells him as she kissed his cheek. "Let's get school."

Emmett smiled as he go in the Jeep. "Let's go."
Rosalie saw Aria walking to her locker. She walked over to her wondering how things were doing. "How are you doing?"

Aria looked at the blonde and smiled as she leaned against the wall. "I'm getting stronger." She tells her. "With Emmett's help and me getting back into doing old hobbies, I feel like I gained control of my life again and that I'm not scared of myself."

"I hate that you found out the way you did." She tells her as they started walking together. "I never really wanted this life, but meeting Heath, I changed my mind besides one thing."

"What's that?"

"We can't have children."

Aria sighed as that part sucks. "Oh." She said. "I-I never thought of children, but that does suck."

"I'm sorry." Rosalie said. "Let's change the subject and talk about you doing my nails. Your's look amazing."

Emmett watched with Heath as their mates walked together. "You haven't asked her on a date."

"No." He said. "I'm giving her time."

Heath nodded as Alice stood beside them. "Emmett, just ask her because when you do, she will say yes for you helping her. You showed her nothing, but love. You got her to accept what she is. She's not afraid anymore."

Emmett looked to see Aria looking at him. She smiled at him as she went into her class. He knew they were right. He is falling for Aria as the days go by. "Do you like Emmett?" Rosalie asked causing the blonde to look up.

"Umm..." Aria blushed as she looked at her notebook. "I barely know him, but I guess I'm starting to have feelings for him."

Rosalie smiled as she got her answer. Aria Dawson is falling for Emmett and she doesn't really see it. Looking towards the front, Rosalie started thinking about her friendship with Aria. She'll have to talk to Heath about all this.
Aria was talking to Emmett as Heath wrapped is arms around Rosalie. "Rose, I think you have a good friendship starting."

"Yeah." Rosalie said. "Aria is just a girl who is confused and scared. You can tell she's scared of herself still, but soon, she'll be stronger than what she is with our help and Emmett's."

"Are you coming by tonight?"

"Yeah. We'll still go hunting." He tells her as he kissed her head. "I'll see you later."


Emmett smiled as she got in her car and drove off. He will ask her tonight for a date.
"Wow, your house is amazing." Rosalie said. "How..."

"It belonged to my grandparents. When they died, it was left to me." Aria tells her as they went into the nail salon part of the house. "This is my nail salon."

"Wow." She said. "I think I know what I want done."

Aria smiled as she may have her first friend. The two sat down and started talking. Aria knew in that moment that everything was going to be okay all because of Emmett. Hopefully she will be able to tell him that she cares soon. Just one day at a time.

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