Five: First Date

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That night, Aria smiled as she locked the door to hear something behind her. She turned to see Emmett. "Hi." She said as she walked over to him. "What brings you by?"

"I want to take you on a date."

Aria looked at him and smiled. "Emmett, you did everything that no one would do for me. You supported me, helped me, and learn more about myself than what I thought I knew." She tells him. "So yes, I'll go on a date with you."

Emmett smiled as he walked over to her. "Aria, you don't have to thank me for anything. I was doing this because I wanted to know you besides us being mates." He touched her cheek causing her to look up. "You are smart, strong, and amazing, Aria. You are someone I want to spend the rest of my life with."

Aria smiled at him. "One day at a time." She tells him. "I'll see you tomorrow, Emmett."

"Bye." He said smiling as he left.

Aria bit her lip and smiled. "That boy and his way with words."
The next day, Aria wasn't expecting to wake up to the sound of a horn. She walked to the window to see Emmett getting out of the car. She shook her head and grabbed her jacket before walking down to him. Once she got to the door she opened it to see him. "Hi."


"Yeah." She said. "Um...where are we going?"

"You'll see."

Aria smiled as she followed him out to the Jeep. He opened the door causing her to get in. Looking at Emmett, she had to say it. "Why are you actually doing this and don't say it's because of the mate bond."

"It's not." He said. "I actually want to know you that this date is to also celebrate."

"Celebrate, what?"

Emmett looked at her smiling. "You aren't afraid of yourself anymore."

"No. I have you to thanks." She confessed. "You never treated me as a monster, but a gorl who was lost and afraid."

"I'll do it all over to just to see you smile."

Aria blushed as she looked down at her feet. Emmett watched her get in the Jeep. Shutting her door, Aria looked up to see Emmett getting in the driver seat. She smiled as this is the first time she ever felt like she was wanted. Aria watched as they drove off. Emmett looked at her as he hopes this date will be amazing and let's her see that he really wants to be with her. Everything about Aria Dawson has him wanting more.
At the lake, Emmett and Aria walked side by side talking. "I've always dreamt of the perfect date being a walk by the lake." She tells him. "I'll be honest, I was scared when we first met because I have no clue as to what was happening till you came that night. I'm sorry that I was scared of hurting you."

"Aria, you didn't hurt me. It was the need to help you." He tells her as they stopped and looked at the water. "I knew you was scared, but the mate I am wanted to help you in that moment."

"I ran off." She tells him. "Thank you, again."

Emmett looked at her and smiled. They started walking away together talking about other things then when they first met. Emmett looked at the blonde beside him and was happy that she was feeling like herself. Strong and confident. All it was going to take was for her to finally accept them.



"Are you okay? You're very quiet."

"I'm fine." He tells her. "How about we take this date somewhere's else?"

Aria smiled and nodded. "Sure."
When night came, Emmett drove through Forks as he was taking Aria home. Aria was thinking about her first kiss. Will he kiss me tonight? Her mind was full of questions of her first kiss. Emmett wondered what she was thinking about. Aria saw her house and sighed. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." She said trying to hide the hurt in her voice. "It's that I had a wonderful time."

"Good." He tells her as he pulled in. "I had a wonderful time too."

Aria smiled as the Jeep came to a stop. She got out just as Emmett did. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"Let me walk you to the door."

Aria nodded as she walked up to her door with Emmett behind her. They reached her door causing Aria to look at him. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"I'll see you tomorrow." Emmett said.

He watched Aria walk in. Once the door was shut, Emmett walked away, but hated that he didn't kissed her. He looked back at her house before getting in the Jeep and hitting his steering wheel. "I'm such an idiot." He mumbled as he drove away.

Inside, Aria sighed. "What did I do wrong?"

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