Twenty one: You're Making a Mistake

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Emmett told Aria that the Cullens were playing baseball as there will be a storm, but Aria, she didn't like this at all. "They are making a mistake by letting Edward bring Bella." She tells him.

"I tried to tell them." He tells her. "I told them how you felt about this and yet, they are ignoring."

The phone started ringing causing her to walk over to the phone and answer it without looking at the caller I.D. "You're making a mistake. Bella should not be going if you have some members of the coven not agreeing to her being there." She tells Alice. "I don't care if you want us to get to know her, Alice, but I'm telling you now, this is a mistake. A big mistake. If you ignore my warning. Then I know that I'm not apart of this coven after you all put me in."

Emmett took the phone. "Why can't any of you listen? Aria is making a point and whatever happens at the game, it's on you all. I'm not going to upset Aria again. She's more important to me and I'm not going to make her feel as if she isn't a part of this coven like you all are. She's my mate and she will always come first."

The blonde smiled as she couldn't believe it. Emmett was keeping his word. He hung the phone up causing her to kiss him.
The sound of a phone ringing had Aria raising up off the couch her and Emmett laid on together. "Don't even answer that." He tells her. "We are not getting involved with whatever is happening."

"So you two aren't going to help."

Aria screamed out as she fell off the couch and onto the floor. Grabbing Emmett's shirt, Aria put it on and raised up to see Heath. "With what?" She asked as Emmett looked at him.

"Protecting Bella. There is a hunt."

Emmett looked at Aria who looked at him. "Nope. We've told you all this was going to be a mistake and you simply ignore us because Edward has you all thinking nothing will happen, but since she has came to Forks, she's caused nothing but drama for us. I already pissed Aria off once and I'm not pissing her off ever again."

Aria smiled as she took his hand in hers. "We've been talking. Since no one can't seem to involve me as part of the coven, we're going on vacation to focus on ourselves. That way, you'll all learn the hard way."

Heath nodded as he left. Aria looked at him. "You meant it?"

"I messed up once and I'm not going to mess up again. I love you, Aria and if you feel like this is too soon, then you're opinions should matter too." He says. "Let's get to packing. We're going to Paris."

"Paris? Emmett!" She squealed out as she hugged him. "I love you."

"I love you."

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