Eighteen: The Moment

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When Aria woke up, she had this feeling that today, everything changes. She got out of bed and knew she needed to hunt, but at the same time, her mind was on one person that she knows figured her and the Cullens out. Bella Swan.



"What's wrong?"

"We know she knows. She figured it put yesterday because we didn't show up, even though Edward saved her last night." Aria turned and looked at Emmett. "I don't like this at all. Everything that we all tried to hide and keep normal is all gone within a year."

Emmett pulled her into his arms and kissed her. She kissed him back before he pulled back. "Don't worry about what happens. Think of this moment. You and I.'

The blonde smiled as she kissed him. She shouldn't be worrying about what is going to happen. This moment was what she should be focused on. Her and Emmett. Feeling her shirt being raised, the blonde took ripped Emmett's shirt off causing him to take her to her room.
At school, Aria walked with Alice and Rosalie, but she hasn't said much. Something stood out casuing Aria to stop. She saw Bella and she knew. In that moment, it was going to happen, everything they tried to keep from Bella was happening all because of Edward. 

"Aria?" She looked at Rosalie. "Don't worry about it."

"How can you guys not be worried? I'm still learning how to control myself, but yet you guys don't seem to see that. Jasper knows where i'm at in this."

"Emmett will tell you the same as I would and Heath. You are strong, Aria. Nothing won't happen. Emmett won't let it happen."

Aria smiled as she walked over to Emmett forgetting the moment. She hugged him and kissed him. Heath and Jasper were shocked by the sudden move. "What's wrong?"

The blonde pulled back smiling. "Rosalie pointed something out and Emmett has been doing that since we met."


"Protecting her and reassuring her that she is not a  monster." Alice said smiling. "Are we ready to go home and wait for Edward?"

Aria gave Alice a look. She wasn't going there knowing this was going to turn into a shit show. "I'm going to go see a movie with the love of my life and you guys can enjoy the shit show that is about to start." She walked to the passenger side of Emmett's Jeep. "Keep me out of it."

"I'm with Aria." Emmett says as he opened the door. "Enjoy the moment when you guys get home."

Heath watched Emmett back out of his parking space as he saw Aria lay her head against Emmett as they left. "Did we just get screwed over?" Heath asked. 

"We did." Rosalie tells him kissing his cheek. "We'll get them back."

Heath looked at her with a smirk. "Love that idea." He kissed his mate. "Baby, you make my day."

"I love you."

"I love you, my Rose." 

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