Nineteen: Bad Idea

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The first thing Aria did not want to hear first thing in the morning was her phone. Reaching over, she grabbed her phone and looked to see Emmett. "Baby, why aren't you in bed?" She asked as she laid back down.

"Edward wants us all to meet Bella."

The blonde raised up. "What do you mean for us to meet Bella? Does he not understand that is a very bad idea." She states as she got out of bed. "Why didn't you wake me if there was a meeting?" She asked a little hurt. "I thought I was part of the Cullens."

"You are, baby. I just couldn't bring myself to wake up a beautiful woman like you. Seeing you look so peaceful made me not wake you." He says. "I love you, Aria and maybe I'm protecting you."

Aria sighed as she wanted him to understand how this made her feel. "Emmett, I love you, but you should have woken me up and I would have went with you. I should be involved in all this, right." 

"Yes, baby."

"So, for now, I think that I should stay home. Meeting Bella is a bad idea and since no one thought to involve me in the meeting. I'm not going to be there."
Emmett hung the phone up and sighed. Heath looked at him. "She's pretty upset with us all."

"We promised her that she is a part of this family and yet, I didn't bring her and now I'm being punished." He says sitting down. "Maybe this was a bad idea. I should have woken my mate and look where this has gotten me."

Rosalie looked at him. "I tried to tell you to bring her here, but you said she was sleeping, you thought of her sleep, but you didn't think of how this would make her feel." 

"Will you all just leave me the fuck alone. I know I screwed up. Edward may say that I made the right choice, but I didn't. I hurt my mate in the process." Emmett says. "I'm going hunting."

Esme and Carlisle looked at one another knowing that Aria being upset with Emmett has affected him. They hated seeing Emmett so upset. Something they haven't seen over a year. "Carlisle, all this was a bad idea. Bella coming here has caused issues between Emmett and Aria all because she wasn't here to vote against it."

"And that is why she will be okay." Edward says. "Aria can lose control...."

Emmett slammed Edward against the wall as Bella jumped back. "Don't you ever talk shit about my mate!" He tells him. "Aria is strong just like Jasper. She is apart of this family not Bella! You barely know this human and here you are, being pussy whipped because you didn't have anyone." 

Jasper and Heath pulled Emmet back. "Now if you excuse me, I need to go calm down and think about what I need to say to Aria."

Everyone watched him leave causing Bella to look at Edward. "What just happened?"

"You." Heath tells her. 

Edward should have known this was a very bad idea.
Rosalie went to Aria's that night to see how she was since the blonde refuses to answer her phone. Knocking on her door, Rosalie stood waiting for Aria to answer. When there wasn't an answer, Rosalie pulled her phone out to call Aria. "Come on."

Inside, Aria knew Rosalie was outside, but she wasn't budging. She was very hurt and upset with Emmett's decision to leave her out. She just feels like she did before meeting him. Hearing a sigh, Aria knew she should speak to Rosalie. Opening the window, Aria looked at Rosalie. "Why are you here?"

"To talk because we haven't spoken to Emmett in a long time." She says. "He is so hurt for not bringing you by before Bella came. He knows he screwed up.."

"What do you mean none of you haven't spoken to Emmett? When was the last time you have saw him?"

"When Bella came by?"

"I need to find him."

Before Rosalie got to say anything, the blonde was gone. She sighed as she followed behind to help find Emmett. Coming to a stop, Rosalie knew that she had lost her both of her best friends. Calling her mate, Rosalie knew they need to work together. "We need to find Emmett and Aria now." She says. "Aria left and now I can't find her."

"We're starting our search now, baby. I'll meet you behind Aria's."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you." 

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