Eleven: The First Mistake

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The house was silent as a redhead and a blonde walked through looking for their friends. When the blonde opened the door, she saw clothes ripped to shred causing her to gag at what she sees in the floor. "I'm not going in there."

"Neither am I." He says. "Yo, Emmett!"


"Wake up. You too, Aria."

Aria flipped Heath off as she moved closer to Emmett. Emmett chuckled as he kissed her head. "Aria, come on. You said the two of us will go shopping for your nails today." The blonde raised up and looked at her friend. "Plus, Edward's back."

"Am I supposed to be jumping in joy because I'm not." She tells them. "He left, caused her to  stare, what else is he going to do to mess up?"

No one said a word causing Aria to nod. Emmett looked at her and kissed her head. "Let's go hunt before we go to school."

"Do we have to go to school?"


Aria groaned as she didn't want to. She looked at Rosalie and Heath. "Out!" She tells them making them leave causing Emmett to laugh. She looked at him and kissed him. "Can we do this before hunting then school?"

"I love the way you think."

"Good." She says as she got on top of him.

Rosalie and Heath heard them making them shake their heads. The two left to give Emmett and Aria sometime alone.
Sometime that day, Aria was by her locker putting her books up. She smelt Bella's coming and knew she was making a mistake talking to her. Emmett walked over to her and turned her around. "Em..."

Emmett cut her off with a kiss causing her to feel weak. Bella avoided talking to the blonde after Emmett started kissing her. She was just going to ask about Edward, but she'll just have to wait on her own. Emmett pulled back to see the look in Aria's eyes. "I got someone turned on."

"You made a mistake, Mr. Cullen." She says as she leaned up to his ear. "You're going to love what I have planned for tonight."

Emmett's eyes turned black as Aria walked away. He wanted to pounce her right there. Hold her against the locker so he can have his way. Teach her a lesson for teasing him. "Man, we're in school." Heath says causing Emmett to look at him. "Uh oh. What did she do?"


Heath laughed as Jasper and Edward walked over. "What was Bella wanting?" He asked.

"What do you think she was wanting?" Emmett states. "She thinks since Aria is with us that she should ask her where you were when she has nothing to do with you."

"I know leaving wasn't the best idea, but it was for her safety."

"For her safety?" Jasper and Heath questioned as Edward walked away.

Emmett rolled his eyes as he didn't care. As long as Aria is left out of Edward's problems, then he will be okay, but till Bella gets it through her head that Aria doesn't have anything to say to her, she needs to leave her alone.
When the bell rang, Aria stood up and gathered her things together. She felt like someone was watching her and looked to see Emmett. She smiled as she walked over to him and hugged him. "Let's go, baby."

"Someone has to wait." She tells him. "I made a promise to Rosalie."


Aria thought about it as they walked outside, but stopped. They saw Edward make the first mistake. Showing his speed and strength. Emmett looked at her. "Emmett, I think we should go home and go through with what we are wanting to do."

"Let's go, baby."

The blonde nodded as she followed him to her car. She grabbed him and kissed him. Emmett was shocked, but kissed her back. "You better come on, honey. I'm going to have so much fun with you."

"Heath, drive my Jeep home. I have a seductress mate to deal with." He says as he walked around Aria's car. "Baby, you know how to get to me."

"Good." She tells him as she put the car in reverse as Emmett shut the door. "Let's go and focus on that and not Edward's first mistake."

"Deal, baby. Deal."

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