Twelve: Moment Like This

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When they reached Aria's house, Emmett had a plan. To stay with her and have a romantic day in. Aria looked at Emmett as he picked her up bridal style. "What are you doing?"

"I'm not worried about what happened. My main focus is on this beautiful blonde that is in my arms." Aria smiled. "I was thinking the two of us can stay in today, go hunting later on, and just cuddle and watch the game."

Aria laughed. "Or we can turn this romantic day into painting the inside of the house." She tells him as he carried her to the door. "Maybe we can have a paint fight."

Emmett looked at the blonde in his arms and laughed. "You read my mind, baby." He says as she got out of his arms and opened the door. "You read my mind.
Heath wondered why Emmett ditched them. He arrived at Aria's house and heard laughing. "They better not be naked." He mumbles as he walked up to the door. Knocking on it, Heath waited till he saw Bella Swan driving by. "Seems like she's curious."

Aria opened the door with Emmett behind her with paint all over their clothes. "Why are you two covered in paint?"

"Do you really want to know?" Emmett asked.

The blonde saw Bella Swan and shook her head. "I'm not going to ask. I'm not going to worry." She tells them. "I'm not ruining this moment for me and Emmett."

Heath nodded. "So, there is a meeting..."

"No." Emmett says causing Aria to look at him. "I enjoy this moment with my mate. If Rosalie and Edward want to fight then leave us out because Aria Dawson is the only person that I will forever focus on."

Heath nodded. "Welp, I'm going to go hunt and see you guys later."

"Bye." They said as Heath walked to his car.

Aria looked at Emmett and was happy for a moment like this.

Filler chapter.

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