Eight: Aria's Fears

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Emmett arrived at Aria's to get her. He saw her sitting on the swing and walked over to her. "Aria?" She looked at him just for him to see tears. "Baby, what's wrong?"

"I'm scared." She tells him. "What if this Bella has blood that smells amazing. I'm still learning how to control...."

Emmett wiped her tears causing her to smile. "Aria, we all have our fears. It's a struggle, but I know you. I know that you are strong and I'm always by your side." He says. "Don't let the fear of the new girl get to you. Just keep thinking that you are strong."

Aria smiled as she hugged him. "Thank you for being there for me." She says. "Emmett?"


"I love you."

Emmett pulled away and looked at her shock. "Really?'

"You've helped me over the last six months and I thought you should know. I could careless about our bond, but knowing that I've fell in love with someone that I know will be by my side forever makes things worth it."

"Aria, we may be mates, but I love you too. That's just a bond, but knowing that you have true feelings for me makes this life so much better."

Heath walked in and looked at the two. "We need to go before Rosalie decides to stay home."

"I really wouldn't mind being home." She says as she looked at Emmett. "But, school calls."
At school, Aria has avoided making contact with any of the humans. Even before she discovered the truth, she would keep to herself as she didn't have to deal with the drama. She hoped that Emmett would be waiting for her once the school bell rings. She wanted to tell him that she was feeling a bit better about herself.

The bell rang causing Aria to stand up and follow the others out, but stopped as she smelt something that made her a bit thirsty. Not bad like it used to. She turned to see Bella Swan. The girl everyone has been talking about. She didn't give Bella the chance to look at her as she left to find Emmett. "There you are." Emmett says.

"So I smelt the new girl. I didn't thirst for her."

"Really?" Aria nodded. "That's amazing."

"I think I'm getting stronger as the day goes by. Thank you."

Emmett smiled as he kissed her as the others joined them. "Why don't you come by?" Alice asked. "There's something special that Carlisle needs to talk to you about."

Aria wondered what she meant and looked at Emmett who shrugged. Heath looked at them shaking his head. Rosalie dragged him inside making Aria laugh as it was her and Emmett. Bella saw the two, but noted that Aria has brown eyes. Not the same eye color. "Who is the blonde?"

"Aria Dawson..."

"She did not just ask."

"She did. Just ignore her baby."

Aria had a bad feeling that something was going to happen. Edward walked in and she knew. "Who is that?" They heard.

"Welp. My fear is happening."
By the end of the day, Aria walked out of her class with Rosalie as they were trying to understand why Aria was wanted. She's been over since Aria and Emmett started dating, but something about this visit was getting to them. "What do you think this is about?'

"Emmett knows." Heath tells the two blondes. "I heard him, but I'm not saying."

"Why not?" Aria asked.

"I will kill him if he told. This is a surprise and that's how I want it to be."

Aria nodded as they saw Edward staring. "What's wrong?"

"Her scent."

"She's curious now." Aria says. "Wonderful. You just made my fear come true. She's going to do whatever till she finds out if you stay here. If not, then you know what she will do. Bella Swan will be the death of us all."

"Let's go." Rosalie says as the two got in the car and left. "You shouldn't be fearing what is happening. That's all on him. Not you and not us."

Aria nodded as she knew that her fear wasn't the fact that they would get caught. It's what she is that has her fearing the worse. She's something no one has ever heard of and now, it might happen and she's afraid of the outcome if the Volturi discover's her existence.

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