Twenty: Apologies

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Filler chapter
Aria stood by herself in a field. She couldn't get over what Emmett did. She heard something causing her to be ready to attack. "Babe?"

"Emmett?" She says as she stood up. "Why are you here?"

"I messed up and I wanted to apologize. I shouldn't have left you out as you are my mate and the love of my life. You're my best friend." He tells her walking up to her. "I will never do that again."

"I'm not going to forgive you that easy because what you did made me feel like you didn't love me."

"I do love you." He tells her taking her hand in his. "You don't know how bad I feel for not waking you up to see if that is something you wanted to do and that will never happen again." He promises. "Aria, I will prove to you that you will come first and your decisions matter to me."

The blonde smiled as she looked into his eyes. "Okay. You're still not off the hook." She tells him.

"That's fine with me. It gives me a chance to prove to you that I will always put you first and talk to you." He says. "I love you, Aria."

Aria hugged him. "I love you too."

Rosalie looked at Heath. "I think I learned something from them."

"Me too." He says. "We need to talk more about things instead of forcing it."

Rosalie nodded. "Let's leave them alone. They need it."

Heath nodded as they left. Emmett pulled Aria into his arms and held her tight. He will never make that mistake again.

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