Ten: The Stares

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The next morning, the alarm was going off causing Emmett to reach over and turn it off. He looked at Aria as she stirred in her sleep. He didn't want to wake her up. She was so worried about Edward's sudden leave and he understands. "Emmett?" He looked at his brother as he walked in. "Is she okay?"

"Afraid that Edward may have made a mistake."

"He probably did." Heath says as he leaned against the wall.

"Wait? How the hell did you get in Aria's house?"

"Rosalie." He says as the blonde looked in.

"She promised to fix my nails before school." She says. "Now, it's either you wake her up now or you won't be here. Just us girls."

Emmett glared at them as they walked out of the room. He looked at Aria who was still asleep making him go to her door and lock it. Walking back over to her, he pulled her close to him as he acted to be asleep.
Rosalie was making sure that Emmett wasn't with Aria, but the blonde on the other hand stopped because she saw something that was not making her feel comfortable. "Aria?"

"She's staring."

Rosalie looked and there she was. Bella Swan staring at them. Something that caused the two girls to go find their mates. "Definitely need to bring this up."

"Will it work?"

They looked back at Bella as she walked away. Aria felt Emmett's arms and turned around in them. She didn't feel safe now and Emmett could tell she didn't like what they would be seeing till Edward comes back.

I'm so sorry it's short. I tried my hardest to make it longer, but I had the first half written for a month. I gave it a break to think of more, but this is all I could think of. Hope you enjoy this little chapter and I will update when I have an idea.

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