The Beginning

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"...and just like that the god took away my brother away. Some kind of seal was cast upon me and I lost my power. So while we used to travel from world to world - we are trapped here." Lumine told her companion while she drew illustrations of her and her brother's battle against the unknowm god on the sand.

"How many years was it? I don't know... but I intend to find out. After I awoke I was all alone - right up until I met you two months ago."

"Yeah, Paimon really owes you for that. Otherwise Paimon would had likely drowned. So Paimon will do her best to be a great guide!"

Lumine couldn't help but feel grateful to have a travelling companion. She honestly felt lonely and confused onced she wokeup and she needed help to learn the language of this world in order to communicate with others.

"We should head off, Let's get going!" Lumine nodded as she stood up and stretched her muscles before following Paimon towards their first destination - the City of Freedom: Mondstadt.


Lumine and Paimon saw a statue of seven up ahead. Paimon told her that there are a few of these statues scattered across the land to show The Seven'a protection over the world. She further explained that the god in this nation controls the wind.

The two continued to walk towards the Statue of Seven while Paimon was explaining the reason as to why they will travel to this nation first.

Once they made it to the statue, Lumine walked closer to it. She raised her arm up to touch the statue.

The statue began to glow a golden color before becoming green. It was almost like magic, the power of Anemo was flowing around Lumine before the element went inside her signifying that she can weild Anemo.

Paimon began to gush about the traveler gaining this elemental power. "Seems all you had to do was just touch the statue and you got the power of Anemo!" The two continued to converse about Lumine's new power and Mondstadt.

As the two continued their journey towatds the City of Freedom, they saw a dragon fly above them.

"Wow! What is that!?" Paimon exclaimed. "There's something huge in the sky!"

Lumine and Paimon immediately took a little detour to look for the dragon in the heart of the forest.

"Huh? Look at that!" Paimon told Lumine. The two quickly hid behind a tree and observed the event infront of them.

A strange boy wearing green clothing was talking to the dragon, seemingly trying to calm the latter down.

"...don't be afraid. It's alright now, I'm back."

Lumine was surprised at their interaction. Was talking to a dragon a normal thing in Teyvat? Paimon was the one who voiced her own thoughts.

"Is he a dragon?" Lumine continued to watch until her hands began to suddenly glow resulting to the dragon to roar towards the strange boy. The strange boy raised his arm towards his face to block the roar. The dragon slashed the strange boy with his claws thus the boy quickly dodged the attack.

The strange boy look toward the direction of the glow. "Who's there?" He asked. The dragon roared once more while the strange boy took a few step back before vanishing leaving a faint green glow in the air. The dragon then flew up and disappeared in the sky.

"That was close! Paimon almost got blown away!" Paimon told the traveler.

"True," a new voice agreed to Paimon's statement, "but that was amazing! I mean, not the part on being blown away but the communication between the boy and the dragon."

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