Love Interest?

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"You've finally returned. How was your journey to Jueyun Karst?"

"Well.." Lumine started to say as she explained everything that happened when they went to meet the adepti.

"I see.." Childe folded his arms, looking like he was poundering about something. "As a returning gift, I too have information for you."

He explained that the true killer has not yet been found. So, no one was able to pay respects to the Exuvia. Childe also mentions that the Qixing tries to hide information about this but couldn't really stop what has already gotten out.


"It's common knowledge in Liyue that Rex Lapis is also an adeptus." Lucielle answered Paimon's question. "At least, that's what my friend told me."

Childe nodded, "you're not wrong. The Geo Archon is also the God of Contracts, and is also known as the Exuvia, Prime of the Adepti."

"So that means the adepti of today all signed contracts to protect Liyue." Lumine deducted. She remembered how the adepti was focused on the well-being of Liyue, guess that explains the reason behind it.

"You're very observant, girly."

Lumine frowned and puffed her cheek. For some reason, she didn't like the nickname. "Please do not call me that."

"Why not, girly?" Childe further teased, much to Lumine's dismay. She glared at the Harbinger infront of her, only to find him smiling at her.

"Ehem." Paimon clears her throat. She wanted to bring their conversation back.

"Paimon, shh!" Lucielle loudly whispered to Paimon's ear. "Based on the romantic novels I had read, this is the first thing that happens."

Paimon tilted her head and whispered back to her friend. "What do you mean?"

"You know, the boy teases the girl just to try to get her attention!"

"We can hear you two." Lumine looks at her friends with a disapproving look. Lucielle and Paimon noticed that Lumine's ear was slightly red causing the both of them to look at each other and gave a knowing smile.

Childe merely chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. "Anyway, if the Qixing became unable to perform their duty properly, the adepti have the right to take corrective action."

"Oh! Right! The Geo Archon is the whole reason we came here." Paimon shouted in realization.

"You didn't need to shout." Lucielle muttered.

"If the Liyue Qixing has locked up Exuvia and won't let anyone near then our quest to find The Seven is already over!"

"Well, it's not really over considering we can still seek the other archons from other nations." Lucielle told her floating friend. Besides, she was sure that everyone thinks the Geo Archon's death was suspicious. Everything that happened in the Rite of Descension was suspicious.

Childe looked interested with the sudden new information. "Oh? You're trying to find The Seven? And just why might that be, pray tell?"

Lumine pouted and folded her arms. "Nothing to do with you."

"Heh. Nice answer, girly." Childe responded. "But I can try to help you."

"Really? How?" Paimon curiosly asked.

"Just give me some time to find someone. Someone who can help you break through this stalemate."
"Can we trust him?" Lumine asked her friends.

Intertwined Fate - A Genshin Impact FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now