Meeting Zhongli

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"Allow me to introduce Mr. Zhongli, consultant to an organization known as Wangsheng and a trusted associate of the Fatui."

Childe had brought the trio in Liuli Pavilion to have a meal and discuss plans with Zhongli.

"Associate of the Fatui?" Lumine asked, her eyebrow raised in suspiscion.

"Indeed. Wangsheng's line of work can be sensitive at times. Let's just say they understand when discretion is needed. And we, the Fatui, have always been glad to do business with friends who walk in the shadows."

Zhongli smiled at them, "It is an honor to meet you. I have heard tell of you from Mondstadt.

Word had spread of the deeds the trio had done in Mondstadt. It wouldn't be a surprise if all of Liyue knew that they were the 'honorary knights' who had defeated a dragon.

"Discretion.. shadows.. Ah! Is Wangsheng some kind of business involving.. 'dealing' with people?" Paimon asked with her hand resting on her chin.

"It's as you have guessed Paimon." Lucielle answered in Zhongli's place.

"Ahh!" Paimon cried out.

Lucielle sighed. Paimon didn't need to over react with this. Luckily, Zhongli explained the work that's done in Wangsheng. It happened to be a Funeral Parlor that organizes burials. They ensure that those who pass on do so in peace.

"Eh?" Paimon tilted her head, clearly dumbfounded with the new information. She sighed in relief, Paimon thought that Wangsheng deals people in the not so nice way.

Childe explained more about the relationship with the Fatui and Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. "I brought you to meet Mr. Zhongli.."

"Because I can bring you to see Rex Lapis' vessel." Zhongli finished Childe's sentence.


The group continued to chat while enjoying their meal. Well, Childe was not really enjoying since he couldn't use his chopsticks. His eyebrows were furrowed in frustration and his eyes were focused on his hand holding the chopsticks. No matter what kind of technique he uses, it seems that he couldn't pickup any pieces of food.

Lumine giggled at Childe's failed attempt. She found it oddly cute that the Harbinger couldn't do something as simple as this.

She was snapped out from her thoughts when Zhongli requested them to assisst him in preparing the Geo Archon's last rites.

"Traveler, Lucielle. Childe has told me a lot about you. Since you have had dealings with the Anemo Archon, could I ask you to help me prepare the Geo Archon's last rites?"

Lucielle looked confused with what Zhongli said. How'd he know that they met the Anemo Archon? Even the citizens of Mondstadt believed that their Archon was still in slumber or nowhere to be found.

"Childe says too much." Lumine answered in her stead.

Childe chuckled, his face looking interested with Lumine's answer. "Oh? In our line of work, this means that you want to silence me.. How interesting. Draw your sword. We shall --"

He laughed when he received Lumine's glare. He really found her interesting. "Just kidding. Let's continue, shall we?"

In the end, the trio agreed in helping. It's not like they had any other choice.

Zhongli mentions that he will explain more of the details during their walk. He stood up and thanked them for the meal as he went out of the Pavilion. Lucielle and Paimon followed him but Lumine decided to stay for awhile and have a chat with Childe.

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