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"...While Master Jean was away, the monsters lurking nearby made a coordinated attack on the city." Amber told Lucielle, Lumine, and Paimon who have just arrived in the city's main entrance.

After Dvalin brought Diluc, Jean, Lucielle, Lumine, and Venti in the city the group had come in conclusion that they'll return the Holy Lyre in the Cathedral the following night. Jean went back to her office to address the Stormterror issue while Diluc had to deal with the minor destruction that occured in the winery. The trio, however, didn't know where Venti went but they would probably ask when they meet him soon.

The trio were walking around city when they spotted Amber which then leads them to the current situation they are in.

"Fortunately, we weren't completely taken by surprise. I detected the hilichurls were moving closer to the city a while back." Amber further explained.

"But why will hilichurls do this?" Lumine asked Amber. Hilichurls aren't usually capable of doing coordinated attacks such as this. "It must be the Abyss Order." Lucielle answered.

Paimon looked worried and relieve at the same time, "They've taken over the hilichurls? Good thing we saved Dvalin or they might've have taken him too.."

"That's right! And since I'm the Outrider, it's up to me to keep eyes on the Abyss Order from now on."

Amber then apologized to the trio. Saying that they should be celebrating their victory in rescuing Dvalin instead of listening to her somber talk. Amber then remembered something, "I promised to take you out for some Sticky Honey Roast, didn't I? Before everyone got caught up in the Stormterror problem."

"That would have to wait again, Amber." Lucielle told her as she pointed to the hilichurls a few feet from them. They were charging towards the city's gate. Lumine, Paimon, and Amber were surprised but quickly brought out their weapons.

Amber called out to the Knights present in the area, "Everyone, prepare to engage in battle!"

Lucielle continued to look at the approaching hilichurls, there were about twenty-five hilichurls and fifteen mitachurls. Although the number of Knights were lesser, she had no doubt that they can defeat all of it. But why attack now?

Lumine instantly ran, dodging every arrow that the hiluchurls were throwing at her. Lucielle quickly followed her lead and brought out her polearm. Her polearm was pure black, a cosmic pattern adorning it with its metallic luster glistening. If one would pay attention, her polearm would slightly glow each time it swung.

Amber was standing on a branch, shooting flaming arrows straight to the hilichurls head. The other Knights were busy dealing with other hilichurls. Using their swords to push back the hilichurls from getting past the gates of the city.

What surprised Lucielle was that the hilichurls were aiming for her, but why? If the Abyss Order are in control of the hilichurls then does that mean she was a threat to them? Did they send the hilichurls to kill her? Or did she have information that they needed?

Lucielle pushed back these thoughts and focused on the ongoing battle. Whatever they want from her, they wouldn't succeed.

The hilichurls ran past Lumine and the Knights. All the hilichurls fired their arrows to the golden haired girl. "Lucielle!" Amber, Paimon, and Lumine called out. The golden haired girl sighed and twirled her polearm. Each arrow that came across her weapon was sent back to the hilichurls that sent it. The hilichurls grunted in pain but prepared to launch another series of arrows.

The mitachurls quickly charged, their axes' swinging to land a hit to the girl. Amber, seeing that the hilichurls were going to fire their arrows, instantly ordered the Knights to attack them. She then fired multiple flaming arrows to the hilichurls, making sure that they wouldn't be able to attack anymore.

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