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"Ah! Honorary Knight, you're awake!"

Lumine opened her eyes, she was still dizzy from what happened. She placed her hand on her head but tried to shake the dizziness off. After a few more seconds, the blurriness in her eyes started to clear up. She was greeted by a worried Barbara infront of her.

"Jean, Lucielle, and Venti.. are they alright?" Lumine asked the Deaconess.

"Um.. Master Jean immediately went back to the headquarters onced she woke , she was muttering about the Fatui.." Barbara answered, not really sure why the Acting Grand Master suddenly got frustrated. "She told me to tell you to check on Venti."

"As for Venti, Lucielle told Paimon that she'll bring him to Windrise. Although, Paimon isn't sure why.."

"I think I understand, thank you for healing me Barbara." Lumine gave her gratitude, to which the latter smiled. "It's no problem at all, Honorary Knight. Make sure to always be careful!"
Lucielle was out of breath when she arrived in Windrise, carrying Venti on her back. Sure, Venti was shorter and petite compared to other males but he was still kind of heavy.

She gently placed Venti down, letting him lean his back on the tree. She sat down beside him and stared at the bard, who was now glowing.

"The wind amongst the branches is good, I love the way it smells.." Venti suddenly spoke, his eyes still remaining close.

'Was he awake the whole time?' Lucielle asked herself. Even if he was, she doubt that he'll be in the condition to walk, much less stand. She continued to look at Venti, "how are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling much better." He opened his eyes and looked directly at the girl's golden ones. "Thank you for protecting me earlier, and for bringing me here."

Lucielle smiled at the bard, not breaking eye contact. He really had beautiful eyes, his green and dark blue hues can make her stare at it for hours. She wouldn't even get bored by just doing this. "It's no problem, Venti. I'm just relieve that you're feeling better."

Venti simply smiled as a response. He scooted closer to Lucielle, their arms touching each other. He lays his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes. Venti didn't know what the girl will be thinking with his sudden action but right now he feels really down on his luck. He wanted someone to stay with him, even if it's for a short while.

To his surprise, he felt her soft hand gently comb his hair. She didn't say anything, just continuing on what she was doing. He felt the warmth and the comfort from Lucielle like she was silently telling him that she'll always be there for him, that he can rely on her. Even if his eyes were closed, he felt it sting. Tears were threatening to fall down but he held it back.

It was a feeling he hadn't felt for two thousand years.

"Get some rest Venti." Lucielle whispered, hushing him to sleep. "I'll stay with you."

She didn't know it but her words deeply touched Venti's heart. He longed for someone to tell him that. For her to tell him that. Venti did as she said and drifted to sleep.

A few minutes had passed by and Lucielle herself was getting a bit sleepy. She was comfortable in the position they were currently in, her head leaning on top of Venti's while their backs were leaning on the tree. She looked around her surroundings and noticed that there weren't any hilichurls or slimes nearby so their location should be safe. She's also sure that Lumine and Paimon would come looking for them onced Lumine wakes up but it'll take some time.

Lucielle'a eyelids became heavier every second and she fights the urge to let sleep take over. But why does she have to worry? She didn't sense any threat nearby and she doubts the Fatui would comeback for Venti. So why not? Sleep is life and sleep she shall.
"Paimon wish she has a Kamera right now." Paimon whispered to Lumine as they were looking at a sound asleep Lucielle and Venti.

Intertwined Fate - A Genshin Impact FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now