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After a day's rest, Lucielle was feeling much better. It felt nice that she didn't feel the headache for the whole day. It was thanks to Venti and Lumine for taking care of her. Lucielle tried to get up during that morning to cook breakfast for them but was quickly scolded by Venti.

"You just recovered Lucielle. Don't push yourself."

Lucielle was stubborn and told her she was feeling a lot better but the bard remained firm with his decision. "But you guys did so much for me. The least I can do is make breakfast." She tried to reason. Venti shook his head and gently pushed her down the bed. "You can do that once you have fully recovered."

Fast forward, Diluc contacted everyone from the Dvalin Protection Squad on the following day. They were set to meet in Dawn Winery at late afternoon.

"The Abyss Order. Enemies of the human race. Even the underground networks rarely come across any information on them." Diluc informed the group once everyone has gathered. "With that said, it was a bit if a hassle but I managed to dig up a few clues."

"Really? That quickly? You really are well connected, Master Diluc." Venti said, looking impressed with the red head's quick work.

Paimon placed her hands behind her back and titlted her head, "Come to think of it, Mr. Big Anemo God Barbatos - why exactly do you need the help of mere humans?"

"Ahh.. how do I put it.." Venti placed his hand on his chin and tried to construct his explanation. " 'The Seven' as people now know them, were once known as 'The Seven Archons.'"

"Each archon presides over their own part of Teyvat. That is the role the archons play. Only performing this duty can we attain power, but I don't like the idea of 'ruling' Mondstadt -- and I don't feel Mondstadt would really like it either."

"Go forth and establish a city of freedom without rule," Jean spokeup. She looked at Venti and told him, "we have not forgetten Barbatos' wish for Mondstadt."

Paimon giggled, "Jean, you're such a devotee!" She then looked at Venti, "maybe someone got a little too free and is just too lazy to care."

Lucielle and Lumine sighed at Paimon's statement. They were just glad that Venti was nice and brushed off Paimon's statement instead of blowing her away to another nation.

Venti shrugged his shoulders, "However it may have come to be. I haven't been back to Mondstadt for an extended period of time."

"Without a doubt, I am now the weakest archon among The Seven!"

Lucielle began to think for a moment, what exactly is his definition of 'weak'? Does that mean his powers are on par with a vision holder? Or was he more powerful than them but was just weak when compared to the other Seven? Well, whatever it is all he needed to do was to show Mondstadt that their Archon is present and he'll be able to attain power. Though, she doubted he'll do this.

"And yet you sound almost proud." Lumine chimed in. She looked interested in Venti's explanation. Though, she didn't expect a god to be like this.

"Aww, you flatter me." Venti smiled at the traveler. Lucielle slightly furrowed her brows. Was that a compliment? Because if it was, she didn't understand.

Diluc folded his arms, "Oh, such a humble god.."

'Now, that's a compliment.' Lucielle thought.

"Is it a blessing or a curse?" He continued. 'Nevermind.' She mentally sighed.

Diluc then continued to get back to their main topic. The Abyss Order. He explained that an Abyss Mage was spotted in the vicinity of the winery. Jean nodded in understanding, "we shouldn't allow it to escape."

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