Holy Lyre

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"Will throw us in prison?!" Paimon asked the eye patched male with a panicked expression.

"Again, why will I do that?," Kaeya chuckled, "what you three are doing is far more interesting than reporting you to the Acting Grand Master."

"How did you find out it was us?" Lumine asked him with a raised brow.

"Well, the Sister in the Cathedral mentioned that three individuals asked to borrow the Holy Lyre. It was you guys right? Although, the Sister doubted that the Honorary Knights will steal the Holy Lyre the same can't be said for me." Kaeya explained.

Lumine sighed but nodded, "It's true that we tried to steal it but someone else got it before us."

"Oh? Who would that be?" Kaeya asked, interested in the new information.

"The Fatui." Lucielle suddenly spokeup.

Lucielle further explained how the Fatui intends to deal with Stormterror, as explained by Jean. "Knowing them, they plan to make Mondstadt be in debt to the Fatui."

Kaeya nodded in understanding. What Lucielle said was true and it wouldn't be their first time using this tactic.

"What will you do to us?" Paimon asked worriedly. Lumine was slightly fidgeting in her seat but had a neutral expression.

"Relax," Kaeya laughed, "I will not do anything to you three. Anyway, I'm sure you tried to get the Holy Lyre for a good purpose."

Paimon tilted her head, "how are you so sure?"

"Well, I've known Lucielle ever since she arrived in Mondstadt. She isn't one to steal so her doing this means she's trying to help." Kaeya gently smiled and looked at Lucielle causing her to return his smile.

Kaeya also explained, while he didn't know the traveler that much, she didn't seem like the type to do that as well.

Paimon sighed in relief and plopped herself on top of Lucielle's head. "Paimon's glad that Kaeya understands."

"Paimon you're heavy," Lucielle complained, "and our ice creams are here!" She pointed to the waitress who carried all their orders.

Paimon quickly got up and excitedly watched as her ice cream was placed in front of her. She can't wait to try all these flavors!

Lucielle was in the same boat as Paimon. She quickly got her spoon and scooped the ice cream. She sighed in content once she took a bite. Kaeya gave a closed eye smile and patted her head. He found it endearing that something as simple as ice cream can make her happy.

Lumine, who was holding her ice cream cone, told Kaeya that they plan to use the Holy Lyre to save Stormterror. However, they first have to take it back from the Fatui.

"Will you tell Jean about this?" Lumine asked the Captain.

"I don't need too," Kaeya told her as he took a bite on his own ice cream, "you'll meet her soon enough."
"You're here." Venti said as the trio arrived in the tavern.

After eating with Kaeya, the trio first went to the apartment to take a short nap before going back to the tavern.

'Kaeya was right, we did meet Jean.' Lumine thought, as she looked at the Acting Grand Master who was standing next to Diluc.

"Jean? Why are you here?" Paimon asked her to which Diluc responded, "well, first of all, I contacted more than one person."

Diluc further explained that she came as "Jean" herself, not as the Acting Grand Master. "A Jean you would never see, even as an Honorary Knight."

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