What is freedom?

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"It's stuck!" Paimon told the group. They couldn't enter the ruins since there was another barrier surrounding it.

"It's stuck!" Venti repeated while using the same tone as Paimon.

Surprisingly, the floating child didn't seem to notice the bard's antic. Instead, she was trying to look for another way to enter the ruins.

"Hey, check out that roof. Is there a giant hole in it?" Paimon asked after a few seconds of observing.

Venti told the group that they can make use of the wind current a few meters away from them. "Let's make a detour then. Heading up!" Paimon said.

"Let's make a detour then. Heading up!" Venti mimicked.

"Tone-deaf bard!"
"How are you feeling, Honorary Knights?" Jean asked the two young girls beside her onced the group has finished fixing all the light actuator. "I am completely prepared and fully confident that we can do this."

"Rest assured. I'm also completely prepared!" Lumine told her determinedly.

"Even Diluc accompanied us to the very end." Lucielle looked at the red head infront of her.

"Despite only being an accidentally involved bystander." Paimon added.

"You shared your secret with me, and I only returned your trust to the same extent." Diluc replied with his usual folded arms.

"Well, if 'trust' is what drove Diluc here and Jean with 'responsibility', what about you Venti?" Lucielle asked the bard.

"It's 'freedom.'" The bard simply answered.

"Freedom?" Lumine asked while tilting her head.

Venti continued to explain more about Mondstadt. It is a romantic city, a nation without a reign of a king. Amongst the seven nations, the citizens enjoy the most freedom it offers.

Lucielle couldn't help but think how Mondstadt was way different with all the other nations. Liyue being a nation of contracts while Inazuma was eternity. Although, Lucielle wondered about the God of Eternity. Was it true that Inazuma's god was confiscating all the visions? If that's so, she hoped that her friends from there will be okay.

More so, if conflict arises within the seven nations, would Venti be able to defend Mondstadt? Considering that his power depends on the people. But hopefully, there wouldn't be any conflict.

"I hope Dvalin will soon be free too." Lumine honestly told the group. Lucielle smiled at her friend, she was truly kind-hearted.

"The goal is to destroy the purple shiny spots on Dvalin's back. Jean, Diluc, and I will remain on ground while doing as much as damage as we can from there. Lumine and Venti shall be dealing with Dvalin in the sky."

Jean asked in confusion, "Purple shiny spots?"

"They appear to be poisonous blood clots that have coagulated on his wounds." Venti answered instead, looking upset that his friend was hurting and taken advantage of.

"The Abyss Order must have cursed the wounds. That's what's corrupting Dvalin's mind." Diluc added.

"Paimon gets it! We need to destroy the blood clots, but why not go with them, Lucielle?" Paimon asked the golden haired girl.

"Venti and I can heal. It would be wise that we stay in different groups in case anyone needs healing." She explained to the floating child. "Once a large portion of the blood clots is destroyed, I'll be healing Dvalin to ease the pain and purify the poison."

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