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"...We're simply going to have to steal it." Venti told his idea to the trio as the group was rejected in borrowing the Holy Lyre.

"Today we stand for free will! Any suggestions on just how we steal it?"

"I don't want to steal anything!" Lumine folded her arms. "Neither do I." Lucielle added.

"You two are more suitable for the job than I," Venti chuckled, "besides, if we get caught, I'd have no-one to right the grave injustice of my arrest."

"How can it be a 'grave injustice' if you got caught stealing red-handed?" Paimon asked.

Venti proceeded in explaining that it is different with the two girls. They're the 'superstar' of the Knights of Favonius. Hence, if they were to get caught, they'll let them able to talk their way out of it.

Lucielle sighed at the bard's persuasion but gave in to his notorious request. If Jean were to find out then she's sure she'll end up getting hours of scolding which reminded her of a certain fish blasting friend. "Fine. I'll help steal the Holy Lyre der Himmel, for Dvalin's sake."

Lumine nodded as well, though she was still thinking of Venti's earlier claim that he is Barbatos. Guess she'll have to ask him later.
"We're busted run!" Paimon shouted in fear. The trio were running out of the Cathedral in full speed. Lucielle quickly pushed Venti indicating that he needs to run fast, "come on let's go!"

Venti, who was shocked at first, quickly grabbed Lucielle's hand. "Follow me!" He said as he jumped down with Lucielle on the ledge and summoned wind currents to lead them away to the Cathedral. Lumine and Paimon were right behind them as they fled from the numerous Knights.
"Hi, we'd like a seat at your ahhh... least conspicuous table." Venti asked the Bartender, still holding to Lucielle's hand.

The trio were out of breath as they were tired from running, gliding, and hiding from the Knights but tried to hide it to make it less obvious that they were running away.

Lucielle looked at the Owner of Dawn Winery and smiled at him. Diluc nodded and gave a small smile at Lucielle as a sign of acknowledgment but later on blinked in confusion, "Umm... the second floor has fewer customers, you'd be less conspicuous up there..."

"But aren't you a bard? Why not sit front and center?"

Venti nervously laughed but before he can reply Lucielle spoke up, "Actually, the four of us wanted to hangout but me and the traveler don't prefer to be in crowded areas." She gestures at the many drunkards in the first floor.

Lumine, Paimon, and Venti sighed in relief for the good excuse Lucielle had made up.

Diluc nodded in understanding, he knew the golden haired girl for awhile and knew she disliked staying in crowded areas.

"We'll be heading up now, see you in a bit!" Venti told Diluc as the group hurriedly walked upstairs.
The group overheard Diluc's conversation with the two Knights and let out a breath of relief when Diluc didn't give their actual location.

Lucielle looked at her hand then to Venti who was still waiting for the Knights to exit the Tavern.

She gently poke his shoulder with her other hand, "Uhm, how long are you going to hold my hand?"

Venti turned to look at their hands and blushed in realization. He instantly let go of her hand, only to find himself quickly missing the feeling of their hands being interlocked.

Intertwined Fate - A Genshin Impact FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now