La Signora

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"I'm very sorry!" Lucielle bowed infront of Jean. The girl looked guilty for the damage she had caused in front of the city's bridge. The girl didn't know what came over her, all she was thinking was to protect the city but her body started to move on her own and her mind was focused on one objective thus the sudden burst of power unleashed. Maybe that's what the Abyss Order was aiming at? In learning more about her abilities. But for now, these were all mere speculations and she'll probably tell Jean or Kaeya onced she has more evidence.

Jean simply smiled at the girl, "You were trying to protect the city, with that you have my gratitude."

If Jean was to be honest, she was taken aback with the girl's power. It was something she have never seen before. Something to do with stars or maybe the heavenly bodies. She would have to ask Lisa about it another time. With that kind of power, she's sure that Lucielle can destroy the city. Her power was a threat to Mondstadt. Even though, Jean wouldn't let the girl leave just because of that. She knows that Lucielle isn't a bad person, her intention was just to protect. However, she advised her to remain catious with the use of her powers.

Lucielle nodded but still had a guilty and upset look. Venti, who tagged along with Paimon and Lumine, patted the girl's head, "Now, now. Jean isn't mad."

The Acting Grand Master chuckled, "Anyway, we agreed to return the Holy Lyre back to the Cathedral. You brought it along, right?"

"Yes, we did bring it with us.. but.." Lumine nervously rubbed the back of her neck.
"AAAAARGH!!! THE HOLY LYRE!!!" Barbara frantically screamed as she saw its current state.

She dropped on her knees and got in a prayer position, "Oh, Lord Barbatos... Even if I atoned for these sins for the rest of my life, it would still not be enough!"

Venti placed both his hands on his hips and sighed, "Oh, give it here." He gestures to Lumine to hand him the lyre.

He closed his eyes and channeled Anemo energy to restore the Holy Lyre. Everyone took a step closer, It was refreshing to watch. The color of anemo swirling around them and the lyre.

After a few seconds, Venti held a fully restored Holy Lyre in his hands. "How could this -- the Holy Lyre.. but how?" Barbara instantly stood up and snatched it from Venti's hands. She protectively hugged the lyre and gave a smile of relief.

"Huh? Let Paimon see!"

"No! No!" Barbara took a step back and hugged the lyre a bit tighter. "I don't know how you managed to fix it, but you'll never touch the lyre again!" She turned her back from the group and walked away to the Cathedral's basement.

Lucielle, Lumine, and Paimon sweatdropped, 'the owner of the lyre was just standing next to you..' but it's not like she knew any of this. Paimon couldn't help but wonder what Barbara's reaction is going to be if she were to find out Venti's true identity.

Venti turned to look at them, "we..ahh.. we really should get going," he then began to walk back and forth as he continued to explain.

"That trick I used to 'repair' the Holy Lyre. Hehe, I mean the magic I used. It isn't going to hold forever you know." He ended his explanation with a wink.

Jean, Lucielle, Lumine, and Paimon gasped in shock, "what?!"

"You! Tone-deaf bard!!!" Paimon shouted at Venti who was running away to the Cathedrals door. Lumine and Paimon instantly followed him.

"Aren't you going to follow them?" Jean asked Lucielle, who remained inside with her. The golden haired girl shook her head sidewards, "I'm to lazy to run, they're too fast." She whined.

Intertwined Fate - A Genshin Impact FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz