chapter thirty-seven

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note: there's a mention of time difference in the chapter, i'm sure it's wrong and it doesn't make sense, but i was too lazy to fact check so just go with it

September 10th, 1979 - New Orleans 

It had taken an embarrassingly long time for the group of six Order members to successfully contact the vampires of the city, mostly because they were trying to remain under-the-radar, while also trying not to be killed by said vampires. 

It didn't help that Nephera, Peter, and Dorcas also had to keep a close eye on Emily. Already, the witch had sent three letters to Dumbledore, informing him of everything Nephera was doing. Letters that had been intercepted and rewritten. Indeed, as far as Dumbledore knew, Nephera was doing everything by the book of the law, a perfect little angel. 

Eventually, it was Dorcas who managed to get a meeting for Nephera with their chief through a vampire that seemed to have taken a liking towards her. 

Three days ago.

The group was in one of the many bars of the city, drinking at the end of yet another unsuccessful day of trying to contact the vampire population. Of course, no one would be able to tell just how frustrated any of them felt simply by looking at them, for the six looked more relaxed than ever. 

Perhaps it was Nephera's direct orders to appear nonchalant and as though they were muggles, or perhaps it was the whiskey warming them up from the inside, by they were laughing and chatting happily amongst themselves. Even Emily seemed to be in a good mood, as she kept her comments towards the brunette to a minimum, "Merlin, I don't think I've ever seen you really smile, Winchester," laughed Rory 

"I tend to hide it away due to how dazzling it is," replied the brunette, her grin turning into her familiar smirk as she shot him a wink 

Rory pretended to faint, and the group laughed, Nephera standing up and declaring that she was buying a second round for everyone. If she tried really hard, she could pretend that this wasn't a mission at all, but rather a friend's trip, but the absense of Sirius, Remus, and James wiped that fantasy straight out of her mind. 

It's not that she didn't like the thrill missions provided, not at all. In fact, the girl loved that feeling, but she'd never spend that much time away from Sirius- barring the months they were fighting and had broken up- but even then, she was able to see him, even if she didn't want to. Motioning to the bartender for another round of the same drinks, he nodded and went straight to preparing them, while Nephera turned her gaze to the people surrounding her. 

Muggles- or no-maj's- as they were called in the States, truly were idiots. Here they were, in a city filled with Vampires and Witches, and still, they continued to deny their existence. 

Ignorance is bliss, isn't that how the saying goes? 

There was, however, one person that didn't look nearly as ignorant as the rest of them. A woman, not older than twenty-five years old was sitting at one of the center tables, alone. Her eyes were calculating as they swept across the room, until they landed on Dorcas, where they remained. 

Something wasn't right with the woman, perhaps it was the rigidness of her stance, or maybe the way her skin seemed a tad paler than normal and her lips a tad redder than they should be, but- "Ma'am, your drinks," came the voice of the bartender, pulling Nephera out of her thoughts 

"Thank you," she replied, leaving him a dollar on the counter and somehow managing to grab a hold of all six drinks at once, making her way back to the table 

Once Peter saw her carrying the glasses, he shot up from his seat and grabbed half of them before she dropped them all, although Nephera wasn't focused enough to thank him. 

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