Part 2

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'Notebooks, paper binders and laptop?'
'Check, check, check.'

'Mom I am not 12 you know,' I chuckled as I laid on my bed. 'I know you are not. You are my big girl. You are living alone so I am just a little worried. Dont worry, you can come back after 6 months dear if you want,' she said. 'What if I like it here mom?' I asked. 'Then you can stay,' she replied which made me smile.

'Mom I miss you,' I said as a little tear left my eye. 'Oh i do too honey. It's just not simple anymore. You can come home anytime you like,' she said which made another question come up in my mind. 'Which one mom? Which home?' She looked a bit offended but soon cooled. 'We couldnt work it out. High school sweethearts is just a myth. It isnt real. So I advice you to not fall for any guy. It really ended bad for me.' I nodded as she asked, 'Alright now go to sleep. You have your first class tomorrow right?' I nodded and cut the call.

I got ready the next morning and decided to skip breakfast. I'll just eat something in the cafeteria I guess. I drove off to school which was just fifteen minutes away.

As soon as I parked my bike, I felt long stares at me. Firstly, i was the new girl and secondly, I was driving a bike. I guess there's a myth that only boys drive a motorbike or something. I ignored their gaze and walked right inside the principal's room.

'Oh you are the new student right? Here is your locker pattern, schedule and PE uniform,' the principal said and handed me a bag. I bowed and left the room. I found a girl waiting outside. 'Hi!' she said as soon as I came out. 'Hi,' I replied. 'I am Lee Haneul. I am supposed to be your tour guide. Come with me,' she said and linked our arms. I smiled at myself for already having someone to talk to.

After showing me my locker, she took me around the school which was huge. 'This is the laboratory room or you can call this the makeout room. People usually makeout in this room. Its gross,' she said and pretended to gag. 'This is the maths room, English.......Gym and lastly the court,' she said and jumped happily. 'Wow thanks. I guess that's the end of the tour?' I asked.

'Yep but now starts the actual deal. The school is divided into four groups. The thrifters, the bombers, the mideos and........The Lee's,' she paused. 'So, are the Lee's like the douchebags who bully people?' I asked sarcastically. 'Nope. The Lee's only consist of two boys. Brothers. One is a playboy while the other one is stone cold,' Haneul rolled her eyes. 'Wow, so am I supposed to engage with them?' I asked. 'I'd rather not. They are bad news. In fact I recommend you to stay away from them at all costs,' Haneul said looked right behind me. 'Speak of the devils.'

I turned around and saw two very similar faces. My neighbors. Lee know and the other guy. 'Wait so its them?' I asked, pointing at the two guys walking with girls following them. 'Yep. They are brothers, super close. That's Lee know, playboy, sucks at almost everything other than making out and carrom. Mom's favourite son. Is in grade 12. Two years older than us. Their mother is one of the shareholders of JYP, they are like rich rich,' Haneul said, emphasizing on the word rich.

'And that?' I asked pointing at the other guy. 'Lee Yongbok, never call him that. Call him Felix. Or you know what? Dont talk to him at all. Stone cold hard, good at studies and basketball. Dad's favourite son. Is in grade 10. Our age. Their father is one of the shareholders of Samsung electronics and the CEO of his own company. Now just imagine the amount of money they have. Again, dont engage.'

'Huh funny. I already did,' I said as I looked at her. 'Where? When? How?' she asked. 'Oh my god calm down. They are my neighbors. But you said they are like rich rich, why aren't they living in some kind of a mansion from those ffs?' I asked sarcastically. 'They are too spoiled so their father brought them two different houses to live in instead of their villa. Can you tell me their address though?' she asked. 'Why?' I asked back. 'Please?' she asked with puppy eyes. 'Alright I will think about it.'

'First class, chemistry, you?' I asked. 'Chemistry too. Come one let's go,' she said and linked our arms again. I paused a moment before entering the classroom. It cant be that bad right? I mean I am confident, am I not?

I opened the door and stepped in. The first face was of Yongb-- Felix's. Why is he in this class? 'Hi. You must be the transfer student. Please introduce yourself,' the teacher exclaimed as I looked at the class. 'Hi I am Choi Hyerin. I am a transfer student from Australia, I hope we get to know each other well.'

'Alright Hyerin. You can sit in any empty seat,' the teacher said as I looked around. 'Here here,' Haneul mouthed as I went and grabbed the seat next to her. 'So, Hyerin, since you are new, I dont think you will be able to answer so just listen okay?' the teacher said. I nodded. Listen my ass. I will slay this.

'First question,' the teacher continued 'Okay Felix.' He got up from his chair as many girls started whispering.
Omo, he is so hot.
I wonder if he even made out with a girl before.
His brother is also hot.
I wish I could have them both.
Omygod his voice is do deep.

I realized then that his voice was hella deep. Haneul glared at the girls who made those comments. Does she like Felix or Lee know or something? 'Great Felix. Next question.'

Felix raised his hand as I did too. 'Oh new girl. Hyerin try.' I got up from my chair as everyone's attention went to me. I answered it correctly. 'Great Hyerin. Next question.' I raised my hand again as Felix did too. He glared at me while I made a poker face. 'Felix looks like you have got competition.'

The class ended with me answering most of the questions as Felix answered the scrap questions left. 'You were bomb Hyerin,' Haneul awed as we left the classroom. I bounced my hair back agreeing to her. Just then it hit me, how does Haneul know everything about them and their family?

'Hey Haneul. How do you know so much about the Lee's?' I asked. She made an "Are you serious" face as I shrugged my shoulders.

She walked past me as she said, 'I thought you were a genius. You couldn't even figure this out. I am Lee Haneul. I am a Lee too. I am Felix and Minho's sister.'

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