Part 25

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'Here,' Ha-eun said and handed me another bag. 'I dont even know why I am doing this? Remind me why am I doing this?' I asked her. 'Because.....only you can see him after school. And there are enough rumors about us being together. I mean I like him but I dont know if he is comfortable with those rumors. Please can you give these to him?' she asked me. 'Alright,' I replied. One day I'll end up selling one of my kidneys for someone.

It's been a week since mid-terms started. Few of my exams went well. While the others.....let's just say it sucked. I also gave Felix a few things Ha-eun wanted me to give to him. I feel sad about giving them to him. I dont know why? It's not like I have a crush on him right. Right?

'Open up,' I rang his doorbell. In a matter of seconds the door opened and Felix stood there with his messy hair. He probably woke up from his sweet nap. 'These are for you,' I said and extended my hand for him to take the bag. 'Seriously? I woke up for this? Also, how long will this go on for? I cant take it anymore,' he said, still not taking the bag.

'Until you make her your girlfriend,' i smiled through my pain and put the packet forcefully on his hand. Why am I even in pain? 'You want to see me with someone else so bad? I guess I was wrong,' he mumbled and put the bag on a desk right above his shoe bench. 'What...wrong?' I asked totally clueless. 'Nevermind. Mid-terms are ending in two days. Results are in three. Let's see who won the bet,' he smirked and closed the door.

Did he just smirk?! I mean he usually has an emotionless face on. Why the fuck is he smirking? Oh shit. Results. I am doomed. I am pretty sure I wont score good. At least second or third place will not cut my head in embarrassment.

The next day after my second last exam, I called Haneul. 'Hey Haneul! Wanna meet up?' I called her as she squealed. 'Yes yes. Where?' she asked me. 'The amusement park?' I suggested. 'Sure. Meet you in 10.'

We walked through the amusement park and saw some kids riding the rides. 'Hey hey wanna buy some cotton candy?' Haneul asked me. I nodded my head and asked the person to give us two cotton candies. 'On me,' Haneul smiled and handed him the money.

Just then something came up in my mind. How could I have forgotten about it? 'Hey, Haneul? Before everything happened, you wanted to say something to me about visiting a doctor? What happened there?' I asked her. She looked away but then answered after a few minutes, 'Nothing. I just had viral fever. Now I am okay though. Nothing to worry about,' she smiled, showing off her aligned teeth. A smile which was too big to be true.

'Okay,' I mumbled under my breath. 'Wait, look who that is,' Haneul pointed at two people who were sitting on a nearby bench. 'Are they really dating?' Hanuel asked me. Well I guess they were. No one would come here other than for a date and well friends like us. I am pretty sure they aren't friends. 'I am going to the washroom real quick. Can you hold my bag?' she said as I nodded and took her bag from her hands. 

I walked to the soda shop a little far away from the bench. Should I just spare a look? I mean they won't notice right? Yep they won't. I turned my head to their side, pretending to look at the menu. That was a mistake. Felix was looking directly at me with his eyes widened. I nodded at him and turned around to walk away. He will stay there. There is no way he is going to come here leaving his date. I was wrong. Yet again. 

He pulled my wrist from behind and turned me towards him. 'What?' I snapped at him. Okay, so, maybe I was a little sad? Nope. I wasn't. I am a happy person. I am not sad. 'I wasn't on a date,' he said as if he read my mind. 'Umm...okay?' I said but I was relieved. 'Did you think that I was going out with her?' he asked me again, still holding onto my wrist. I glanced at the back and noticed Ha-eun looking at us. 

'You need to go. Your so called "friend" is waiting,' I said and attempted to pull my hand back from him. 'Answer my question,' he said, gripping my hand more tightly. I have to think of something to make him go. 'Do you think I care. Or do I look like I care? You can go on a date with anyone you like. Why do you need to tell me that? And I only set you with her. So...let go of my wrist and enjoy your date,' I said and smiled at him. Although I don't know how effective that was. 

He let go of my wrist slowly and turned around to walk away. Now I think I felt a little bad. I mean I did not say anything to hurt him. Right? I just said that I don't care if he goes on a date with someone else. Should I care?

'Ooof tension,' Haneul said as she came from beside me. 'How long have you been there?' I asked her. 'Four minutes and twenty five seconds. I was watching you both from afar. What happened?' she asked me. 'Just the regular. You know, Felix and I fight everyday blah blah blah,' I giggled when I did not even want to. Haneul nodded and started walking ahead of me. I followed her from behind. 'You both almost seem like a couple. You fight and stuff while holding each other's hands. That is not true right? You both are not a couple right?' she asked and faced me. 

'Of course not. He is not my type. Besides, I don't like him at all. I hate him,' I said in such a rush that Haneul was left laughing her ass off. 'I was kidding. I know that you both won't get into a relationship with him,' she laughed and started walking ahead. Was that a bad thing or a good thing? 'You know exams are ending tomorrow and results are the next day? Do you think you can beat Felix this time?' Haneul asked. 'Yeah I think I can. In the class at least,' I replied, not smiling at all. I was supposed to beat him in the school board, not the class. But I guess I have to beat him at least in the class. I have to. 

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