Part 20

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I decided to not go to the party. What's the point? Haneul wanted me go. Now the last face she wants to see is mine. But where was she? She did not look like she was about to go home. I can't even call her "step-witch", she doesn't care about Haneul. And calling Felix would be the last thing I do. 

I moved around my bed, sweat dripping from my face. What the fuck is happening to me? Why am I being so restless? Wait-- what was Haneul about to tell me before I cut her off? She went to see the doctor, right? What happened there? Ughh this is so frustrating. I got up from my bed and went to take a shower. It could maybe clear my mind. After the shower, I sat back up on my bed. Should I go? Maybe I should. Lee know is also going to be there-- no I am going for Haneul. Yes Haneul. I will go-- just to find Haneul. 

I got myself into a black dress which rested right above my knee. Matching a pair of hoop earrings and a purse, I went down the stairs..........only to find my brother wearing his shoes. 'Hyerin? Where are you going?' he asked. 'Uhhh you know Lee know? Your friend right? He is throwing a party tonigh. Since I am a school student...I think I got an invitation. You?' I asked him back. 'Oh I am going there too. He invited me. Come on. I'll drive you,' he said as he opened the door and we got in. 

The ride was silent as I kept praying to God to make Haneul be there at the party. I need to see her. I need to talk to her. 'We are here,' oppa said as we stopped in front of the huge mansion. I smiled at him and got out. Wow. The mansion was filled with students or people they know. I spotted a certain someone. Han Jisung. 'Hey Hyerin. Thought I would see you here,' he said as he took my hand and faked a bow. 'Nice to meet you too Han,' I replied as he giggled. 

'Have you seen Haneul?' I asked him. Oh right. He doesn't know. 'Haneul who? Am I supposed to know her?' he asked him, one of his eyebrows raised. 'No apparently. It's okay. I will take my leave. I need to find my friend who is seemingly lost here. I will go,' I said and walked away. Oh my god, Haneul, where are you? 

'Eww,' I gagged as I saw a few couples making out. I did not know why but that made me cringe. Why do they make out in public, to be a discomfort to the public eye? I looked around again. Oh my god. How am I supposed to find Haneul in this huge ass house? Oh god. 

I looked around yet again. Oh right. I haven't looked in the most common spot. Her room. I walked up the stairs to the third floor which was relatively vacant. I knocked on her door in case she was in there. She probably wasn't as no one opened the door. Still I decided to check once. I bent the handle of her door and entered it. There she was. Asleep on the bed. My best friend. 

'Hey,' I said as I took a seat beside her. That did not possibly wake her up so I shook her a little. She rubbed her eyes, trying to adjust to the light in the room. 'What are you doing here?' she asked, calmer than today morning. 'I came to see you,' I said. 'Well don't. I don't want to see you, okay? I have other friends,' she said and looked away. 'Haneul, please try to understand. My feelings are not which I can control. It just....happened,' I looked down. 'Oh so that's why you are here? You came here for me to forgive you so that you can get with Lee know?' Haneul was being insensible. 

'So what? He is not even your own brother?' I asked this time, getting a little angry. 'So now you are going to use that against me? I regret telling you anything about me and my life,' Haneul was on the verge of tears. 'I don't get why you are being so judgmental. What is your problem? You hate him, but you won't let me get with him? Is that it?' I asked her, my voice rising. 'He will break your heart, Hyerin,' Haneul looked at me, a tear slipping her eye. 'No he won't. You don't know anything. How do I know if he will break my heart if I don't even confess to him?' I shouted at her, causing her to flinch. 

'So you plan on confessing to him today?' she asked me. 'Yes. I will. Today,' I said as I left her room. I instantly regretted it. But my ego got the best of me. I could have just turned back and get on good terms with her, but I did not. I walked away. Further away from her. 

I looked around for Lee know. I promised myself that I will confess to him today. Better get my heart broken now or never. I spotted him. In front of the fountain, outside, talking to the almighty Felix and smiling. I tapped on his shoulder as he turned around. 'Can I talk to you?' I asked Lee know as he nodded. Felix glanced at us both before rolling his eyes . 'Yes tell me,' Lee know smiled. 'Not here. Somewhere else?' I asked as I looked at Felix who seemed annoyed. Am I wasting so much of his time that he has to so annoyed?

'Yes follow me,' Lee know said as we walked into the house. We walked to the second floor as he stopped in a empty corridor. Sometimes I think that the mansion is big enough to let two schools of children sleep. 'What did you want to tell me?' Lee know asked as we were in front of a room. My breath hitched as I calmed it down. Calm down. Calm down. Pull yourself together Hyerin. 

'What I wanted to say is.....I like you. Lee know. I really do. It's okay if you don't feel the same way,' I said in one breath and stopped. And closed my eyes. Shit. I can't look at him. What if he cringes on seeing my confession. Shit what should I do-- My thoughts were stopped as I felt a pair of lips on mine. I shot my eyes open and saw Lee know bending down to kiss me softly. That meant he likes me too....right?


I kissed him back as he smirked into the kiss. Soon the kiss turned from soft to passionate. He bit my lower lip as I opened my mouth to breath. He took  in that opportunity to put his tongue inside my mouth. Mistakenly, I moaned a little which caused him to smirk again. This means he likes me. I am sure he does. 

All of a sudden, he pulled me by my waist and opened the door behind me with his empty hand. I walked into the room with him still kissing me. After a few minutes, he moved his hands to the back of my dress and opened the zip. My heart began thumping loudly all over again. Am I ready to do this? 

He guided his lips from my mouth to my neck as he left butterfly kisses all around. He sucked on my sweet spot as I moaned out a little. He removed his shirt, as I stood there looking at his abs. The ones I had seen right the day after I moved to this town. Weird this place is. He smirked as he came to kiss me again. 

Okay. So it happened. I slept with Lee know. God please forbid me but I am seventeen. I just had my first kiss recently. Well also my first time doing that. Shit how am I going to face Haneul tomorrow? With all those thoughts in my mind, I crept into deep slumber with Lee know laying next to me. 

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