Part 35

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'I am literally shaking right now,' I said as I looked at myself, in front of the mirror and in my white wedding dress. 'You are going to do just fine. You are getting married,' mom said as I sighed. 'What if I trip on the aisle?' I asked, thinking if that horrifying thing really happened. 'Why would you ever trip? No one trips on the aisle,' mom assured me but my heart beat kept on rising. 'What if someone purposely trips me? Like Amanda?' I asked, thinking about our high school days. 'Hey! I am right here,' Amanda said as she brought out my necklace from the drawer. 

'I am sorry. I am just so nervous,' I nervously chuckled as I put on my necklace. 'Ugh I look so bad in this necklace,' I said as I harshly put it on the table. 'Hey, that is worth fifteen thousand dollars. Moreover, Felix brought it himself. You look gorgeous in that necklace,' Emily said as she placed a hand on my shoulder. I closed my eyes and kept praying. God I wasn't even this nervous on my college final exam. 

A knock on the door was heard as Emily hurried to open it. 'Here, there is a letter for you,' she said as she handed me the piece of paper. It was without any name, just an address. Of this place. I opened it. It was just a little note. 

Dear Hyerin

Congratulations. You really thought I would miss your wedding?

With deep love, 


I ran out the room as tears streamed down my face. This is just too perfect. My wedding is just too perfect. So perfect that it almost feels like a dream. I looked out the room and sure enough there she was. Her blonde hair still intact. Doe eyes with a mole on her left cheek. Her dress covered her entire leg as her hair rested on her shoulder. 

'Wait-- I am not dreaming right?' I asked as I aproached her. 'I can assure you that you are not,' she spoke softly. Her voice, I missed it. It was really calm and soothing. It felt like the first day I met her, in front of the principal's office, her standing and showing me around the school. But this time, I knew her. I knew everything about her. And this time, I wouldn't let her go.

I pulled her into a warm hug as she hugged me back, tears making their out of her eyes. 'How has d-dad been doing?' she asked after she let go. 'He has been doing good. Defenitely sad after you left but still....good,' I muttered as I looked down at my feet, staring at my white heels.

'And Lee know? Felix? You said they have changed?' she laughed. Her laugh....I missed it too. 'Bitch, you came to meet me after so long and you aren't even asking me how I am doing?' I asked, totally surprised.

'I know you have been doing good. I read your researched works when you publish them in your blog. I am like the "silent reader",' she mimicked with her hands. 'Hyerin..its almost time,' Emily said as she came out. 'Wait-- is that? Are you Haneul?' she asked as Haneul gave her a smile and nodded. 'Gosh I have heard so much about you,' Emily said as she pulled Haneul into a quick hug.

'Now now, enough chit chat. We'll catch up o everything after the wedding. Now, 5 minutes until showtime,' Emily said as she left. 'What if I fall? Or trip? Or die? Or have a heart attac--?' I panicked. 'You are gonna be great. I believe in you,' Haneul said as she shook my shoulders gently. God I missed her.

'You are going to step into a new life Hyerin. But dont forget about your old pops,' dad said as he hugged me, tears leaving his eyes like it had never done before. 'I love you dad,' I said as I hugged him too.

Jenna and Ji-ah walked in little floral dresses down the aisle, spreading flowers and love. On the other side at the altar, stood Felix, more nervous than ever and a teary eyed brother on his side. 'Listen, it's between me and you, Felix. If you make her upset in any way, I'll be the first one to kill you,' Changbin whispered into Felix's ear. 'Excuse me hyung, but why are you telling me this in Hyerin's POV? Isn't she not supposed to know this?' Felix whispered back as realization hit Changbin. 'Right....I have to tell the author about this glitching mistake before she publishes this chapter. Hyerin might see what I told Felix,' Changbin cursed under his breathe. 

I took a deep breath as the door opened. Everyone looked at me, some with smiling faces and the rest with teary eyes. This is finally happening, I am getting married! I heard that brides have second thoughts while walking on the aisle. They either think that they are marrying the wrong man or they think that they are not ready for marriage. I felt neither of those things. I just felt...excitement. To step into a new life. With my favorite person. How could I ever regret? 

Felix smiled to himself just as he saw me. He took out a napkin from his pocket and rubbed his eyes gently. I giggled to myself just as I saw that. 'I will leave you here,' dad said as he kissed my forehead and left me at the altar. 'Hi,' I said as Felix held my hands in his. 'Hi,' he said back to me. After a lot of vows and tears, the man finally said, 'Do you, Felix Lee, take Choi Hyerin as your lawfully wedded wife?' Felix pretended to think for a moment as I playfully hit his arm. 'Yes of course. She'll kill me if I don't,' he said as he laughed. 

'Do you, Choi Hyerin, take Felix Lee as your lawfully wedded husband?' the man asked again as I answered without any hesitation. 'Yes.' 'You may now kiss the bride,' he said as he smiled. Felix pulled me by my waist and gently planted my lips on his. We have kissed many times before but a wedding kiss was nothing like those. 

After a little bonding time of Haneul with her family, my family, Felix and I walked to the cake as everyone started laughing. 'Wait-- who ordered a red cake?' Haneul asked as all seven of the boys who knew Felix ever since he was in his diapers answered, 'Felix. It has to be him.' We cut the cake as I gave him a piece. 

After a little while, we went to sit around the middle of the room for a little more tears to be shed. I mean the letters. My life is all letters. But just as we were about to begin, the door opened and showed an unexpected guest. I felt like he would never come. 'Who is it?' Felix asked as he saw me staring at the man. 'Just a distant relative. You don't know him,' I answered.

'Not a distant relative sissy. Since Choi Beomgyu is here, let's get this party started, shall we?' 

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