Part 12

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'Bye, Haneul. Call me if anything goes wrong,' I whispered the last part into her ear as she gave me a faint smile. I smiled back at her and left for my house.

It was dark as I got inside. Oppa was probably asleep or outside. I washed my face and laid on my bed. Gosh. My head is hurting so bad. Ouch. My head felt like someone was hammering on it. I took some sleeping pills and chugged them down in one go. That should help.

I woke up the next morning with my head still paining. What the fuck is happening? Why is my head hurting so much? I got inside the bathroom with my hand on my forehead. Shit. It's getting out of hand. The last thing I saw was the mirror before I fainted.

I opened my eyes but soon closed as there was excessive light outside. Where am I? 'She is awake,' I heard someone say. Who is awake? Are they talking about me? How long was I asleep for?

I opened my eyes and heard a few beats of the heart. My heart. Wait. No way. Am I at the freaking hospital? 'Thank god you are awake,' oppa came in and hugged me tight. 'I am so confused. What happened? Why am I here? How long was I asleep?' I asked all the questions at once. Oddly, the pain in my head was gone.

'You are in the hospital. And you were asleep for......two days,' he said and looked down. 'Two whole days? What the fuck,' I began panicking. Why was I asleep for so long. 'You should have told me. Did you get bullied in school?' oppa asked. Huh? What was he talking about? 'What? No,' I answered. 'Dont lie to me. Hyerin, you dont have to change your physical appearance just because someone bullies you. You are thin enough,' he said as a tear left his eye. Wait why is the environment getting so sentimental? I am not understanding anything.

'Miss Choi. Looks like you are awake. That's good news. Mr Seo? Can I talk to Miss Choi in private?' the doctor asked as oppa left. 'I dont understand anything doctor. Why am I here?' I asked him. 'You fainted. And looks like you have been..............starving yourself.'

What the hell? 'No docto--.' Maybe she was right. I always promised myself that I would eat breakfast in the canteen but I never do. I also skip some meals. Is that why I am here?

I looked down as the doctor gave me a reassuring smile. 'You dont have to change yourself for anyone,' she said while patting my back. 'I swear doc, I never did it on purpose. I just somehow always missed it,' I said. 'I am sure there is a good reason why but I have some more important things to discuss with you,' she said and took the seat next to the bed.

'Firstly, your condition is detoriating. I had a talk with your mother and she sent me the report of your previous health checkups. You were 55 kgs when you came here,' she stopped. 'And now I am what? 53 kgs? 50 kgs? Just tell me,'I said. 'You are now 43 kgs,' she said and looked at my thin hands. 'Bu-but that's impossible. Whe-how? Why? It surely says wrong. I c-cant be 43 kgs now,' I said as a tear left my eye.

'Its okay. Seemingly, you suffer from a disorder,' she said as she cleared her throat to speak again. 'Anorexia. Unfortunately, you need mental guidance. You will be staying with us for a week and will be seeing our very best mentor. We promise to cure you,' she said as I looked at her in disbelief. 'Stay here? No way. I can walk. I can do everything. I have a game next week and I need to go. Please doc. I will come back for the lessons but please let me go to school,' I pleaded.

'I am sorry but that wont be possible. I had a talk with your parents and your older brother. They all have agreed,'she said and left the room. Why? How did I never notice that I was starving myself?

The door opened and Haneul stepped in. 'Oh my god Hyerin. Oh god,'she rushed and hugged me. 'I am okay thanks,' I said as she sat down on the seat. 'Here,' she said as she gave me a huge bag. 'I am sorry but your brother told me to gather all your stuff and bring it to you. So I had to step into your room. Dont worry I am not someone to go through your stuff. I just took the needful and brought it here. Tell me if you need anything else, aight?' she asked. I nodded. Well I am grateful for having her.

'This is hell. I am perfectly okay. I don't need to stay here. The doctor says that I suffer from Anorexia,' I complained. 'Anorexia is a pretty bad disorder. You need to get over it Hyerin. At least you could have told me. I could have helped you,'she said and patted my shoulder. Telling her would be wasting my time. She would never believe me if I told her that I did not know that I was starving myself.

'But how can I stay here? The game is next week,' I pouted. 'You are seriously thinking about the game? You will still have three days if you manage to come to school by next week. You are also a good player. Everything will work out,' she said. 

17 hours later:

I woke up from my long peaceful sleep. Wait it wasn't that long. Anyway. 'Miss, here is your food,' a nurse said and brought me a bowl of soup. 'I just had food like 30 minutes ago,' I said to her. 'We are told to bring food to you every hour. We are also supposed to monitor you eating the food. Please eat,' she persisted. I took the bowl of soup and finished it in a few minutes. It was delicious. 'Mam, you have your first meeting with your counselor in 10 minutes. Room 10B,' the nurse said and left. 

I washed my face in the bathroom and left for the counseling room. 9D, 9E, 9F, 10A, 10B....gotcha. I stood in front of a wooden door as it had "10B" imprinted on it. Okay here goes nothing. 

I walked inside and saw a beautiful bright room with two couches opposite to each other. 'You must be Miss Hyerin, please have a seat.' 

The boy next doorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon