Part 31

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'Y-you must be kidding...ho-how is that even possible?' I asked him, totally dumbstruck. His tears did not stop as he handed me the piece of paper in his hand. 'What is this? I knew something was off with her..b-but there is no reason why she should r-run away,' I said as a few drops of water left my eye. The note read, 'Dear, dad. I am gone. I hopefully won't meet you again.' J-just that? Is this some kind of a prank? What was the reason? She never stated the reason and she just...r-ran away?

The note fell from my hand as I sat down on the couch, rubbing my temples. 'Have you checked her room?' I asked the dumbest question. Her step mother nodded, showing off her worried face. Two faced bitch. 'Well then-- we have to look for her. We just can't sit here and do nothing, right?' I stood up and looked at the two brothers, who were frozen at their places. 'Right? Where is a place where she goes often?' I asked them. They did not answer me, instead they looked at each other, confusion clearly visible on their faces. 'Seriously? You both lived with her for more than fifteen years and you don't even know that?' I spat angrily. 

We spent the next day looking for her. This can't be right. She can't be this selfish to just-- run away, right? She is here. She is just playing a prank. She is just pranking us. Oh how much I wanted to believe what I was saying to myself...but the thing is...I couldn't. I knew that this was real. Haneul thought running away from everything was a better option than living like this. She sure suffered a lot-- but she could have told me. I would have--- helped her? I would have tried to understand her. She did not have to r-run away. 

Monday morning came. As fast as it could. Haneul's father even contacted the police but no-- she wasn't in any record. She must have left the city-- or. No no. No way. That is not possible. She couldn't have-- suicided right? No no she couldn't. She is brave. She is brave. She did not! She did not. Okay heart...calm down. You need to calm down. 

I took my regular seat, hoping for Haneul to take the one next to me. But she wasn't coming. Anytime near. 'Hey, it's okay. Dad said we will find her, alright?' Felix patted my shoulder and sat down next to me. 'Don't worry please,' he said and gently patted my back, assuring me. But it was far from working. I wouldn't get assured anytime soon. 

'You don't have to come to practice today, I told the coach. Rest for this period...I will take you home,' he said as I nodded lightly, tears ready to drip from my face. 'Don't worry,' he said and wrapped his hands around me, pulling me into a warm hug as I cried on his shoulder. 'We'll find her right, Felix? She did not suicide right?' I asked as the thought bought many more tears to my face. 'Shh shh. No no she didn't. Of course she didn't. How can she not be brave when she is your best friend? We'll find her okay?' Felix pulled away as I nodded. 

Felix went away to his basketball practice as I went to put my books back into my locker. But the thing I saw wasn't anything near to what I was expecting. A letter. A plain, simple white piece of paper. But it could mean the world. It could unravel loads of mysteries about the girl I once called my best friend. Sure enough it was from her. Her leaving a last letter for me...meant that she never intended on returning. Never. 

Dear Hyerin,

                        As you guessed it, it's me, your selfish and heartless friend, Haneul. You may want to throw away this letter, swearing at it and me but I request you to not. Consider it my last wish to you. You may have a lot of questions and I can assure you, all your doubts will be clear by the time I finish this letter. 

It all started that day, 24th August. I went to a doctor for the first time. People usually fear going to a doctor. They fear that the doctor might end up disclosing a disease which will cost them a fortune or a life. I did not though. I looked forward to it. And sure something happened, as you guessed. The doctor said that I had symptoms of breast cancer. I was glad. I may seem like a very heartless person but I am glad for myself. On 29th August, I went to the doctor again. Sure enough, the results showed that I had stage 3 breast cancer. So cool right?

I wanted to tell you about it but our first friendship quarrel happened that day itself, right after I began to tell you about something which happened when I went to see the doctor.  It turns out that I had exactly seven years and eight months to live, if I don't undergo an operation. Now, this is exactly what I told my doctor, 'There are possibilities that I might die while the operation is in progress right? Why waste my time? I'll enjoy my life until then and then, while I am at the brink of death, I'll undergo the surgery. Even if I die then, I'd have fulfilled all of my wishes.'

But the thing is, I don't want to live. In this literal hell of a life. I don't want rich parents, I don't want a lavish life, I don't want to go to the best college. I want someone's time and love for me...which I got after you came. Thank you Hyerin, for always being by my side. 

No one knows about my condition. I did not even plan on telling anyone. I thought, let me just run away. No one will care. Then I thought of you, my dad...and my grandparents. They have last seen me when I was 2. 

My mother was a hiker. My dad fell for her when he went to some forest to take a trip. But sometimes, love fails I guess. My last wish in life is, to travel. Far and wide. I want to travel to all the places my mother has been to. I want to enjoy my life. Be happy. Be content. I guess I deserve a little bit of  that. 

My first my grandparent's house. I will live with them for a week or two. If they want to join me on my trip, they are free to. Don't come looking for me Hyerin. I think you now understand the reason why I long this trip so much. Don't show this letter to anyone. Please Hyerin. 

Please tell dad I love him. I can't bear to see him sad. And if you and Felix ever decide to marry (which you definitely will) don't hesitate to send an invitation to this address *address*. If I am still breathing then, I wouldn't dare miss my best friend's wedding. I guess destiny planned our friendship to end here but I guess you won't forget about me. Right?

We'll meet again if fate wants us to Hyerin-ah. Until then...long time bestie. 

Your selfish friend who loves you very much,


My hands trembled as my tears soaked the paper. She, she suffered so much...but I wasn't even there when she needed me the most. I placed the letter inside my locker as more tears streamed down my face. But something else caught my eye. It made my heart shatter into pieces. She did not forget. A little red box. 

And inside it was a small watermelon necklace.   

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