Part 3

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'You're their sister?' I asked completely surprised. 'Yep by blood, unfortunately. Since I am not a son, I am not allowed to live alone. So I still live with my parents, in our so called mansion. My life,'she groaned.

We walked to the cafeteria with me thinking that the first three students I talked to here were the "Lee's". 'So unfortunately I have to leave you here. I do some community service during our break time on Mondays so I have to go. Dont worry people are really friendly here,'she sarcastically said and went away.

I took my lunch from the counter and grabbed an empty seat at a table in the back. No one should notice me there. But that was far from true. Minutes after I sat down, students began murmuring and girls began fangirling over the famous Lee know.

I kept my head down and continued eating. I know where this goes. He will come to talk to me, maybe and then girls will start beating the shit out of me. I dont want that on my first day.

'Hey new girl,' a voice boomed. Crap. I looked directly at the owner of the voice. There stood Lee know in his utterly immaculate form. His gaze was fixated on me which made me a tad bit insecure. 'Hi,' I replied and continued eating. I wished he'd go away.

Instead, he grabbed the seat next to me. Crap, again. Girls began murmuring about me which was completely loud.

'Didn't I meet you yesterday?' he asked me as I looked at him. 'Yes,' I replied. 'Then why are you acting like you dont know me?' he asked again. 'Should I? Should I know you? I mean I just did courtesy by welcoming myself in the neighborhood. Pretty sure you and your brother must have done that. I dont think I am supposed to know you,' I rolled my eyes.

'Feisty are we?' he chuckled. I ignored his comment and began eating my side dish. His gaze made me uncomfortable but I still decided to ignore him. A little later, some sauce from the kimchi got on my cheek. As I was about to wipe it, Lee know wiped it for me with his thumb and licked it.

'I can do my own job myself but thank you,' I sarcastically said. 'I will see you around,' he said and got up. What Haneul said was right. He was bad news.

After eating, I put the dish in the disposer and washed my hands. 'Excuse me,' a deep voice from behind me said. I knew exactly who it was. I scooted back a little as Felix washed his hands. 'Hi!' I chirped as he looked at me after drying his hands. He ignored my comment and walked past me. Rude!

The bell ringed as I waited for Haneul in front of my locker. 'Hola,' she said from behind me. 'Let's go, PE right?' I asked. She nodded. Who puts PE right after lunch? 'So, do you know how to play basketball?' Haneul asked me. 'You are speaking to the former captain of the basketball team,' I beamed. 'Wow great. I am the current captain. We make a really good team. C'mon lets go,' she said as we made our way to the girls room.

'Now now, stop talking everyone. Girls vs Boys. First team to get 30 points wins,' the coach said and whistled. I stood at the back as I didn't even try out for the basketball team. I mean, how could I? I just transferred today. 'Hyerin, you wait here. If someone gets injured or plays the yellow card, we'll call you in. Right?' the coach asked as I put on a fake smile. 

I waited for my turn but no one seemed to get out. Like come on, give me a chance. I internally groaned on seeing all the girls over Felix. Let the man breathe. He pushed his arms to get the girls off of him but they kept coming back. Such parasites. 

'Now, Chelsea, I see what you did there. Bench. Hyerin, get in,' the coach signaled as I jumped up in joy. 'Come on,' Haneul screamed as I took the spot next to her. 'Start,' the coach said as he whistled. The score was currently 23-25, the boys with the lead. A girl pretended to throw the ball but ended up throwing herself right on Felix. He moved over and the girl ended on the floor. Serves her right. Most of the shots were made by Haneul and some other girls who actually cared about winning instead of getting all over Felix.

'Come on, Soah, why did you do that?' Haneul ruffled her hair in frustration as the boys scored another win. 'Now girls. Don't practically throw yourself on the boys or to Felix to be specific,' Haneul angrily said. 'But Felix is hot. He is even hotter while playing basketball,' one girl said looking at her nail. That's when I got an idea. 'Listen. Boys like girls who are bold and confident, not who fall on them. So be bold and play. I bet they will fall for you. Especially Felix,' I said as the girls looked at each other in joy. 'Okay great idea Hyerin. Now they are currently in 27. We are in 23. We have to make two close shots and one long shot in order to win. I will make one shot, Hannah you do one. Hyerin, can you take care of the long one?' Haneul asked. 'Sure.'

'Start,' the coach whistled. I looked at Hannah who was on one side of the court. 'Pass the ball when you get it,' she mouthed. I nodded. After a few here's and there's the ball landed on my hand. I bounced the ball to Hannah who easily made the shot. 'Yayyyy,' many voices said at once. Now, 25-27. Soah passed the ball to me as I got ready for the long shot. Just as I was about to throw, someone pushed me from behind and the ball ended up in one of the boy's hands. I turned around to see Felix who left with a smirk. That asshole.

'Kk, no worries. It's 25-29. We got this. Come on,' Haneul said as the next game began. Please pass the ball to me. Please pass the ball to me. Please pass the ba--. The ball ended up in my hands as I got ready to make the shot. No one can stop me n--. I thought too early as someone grabbed my waist to stop me from jumping. Not seeing who it was, I pushed my leg behind which made him loose his grip on me and fell backwards. 

I did not care at the moment and made the shot. It went in. 'Woo hoo,' all of us said at once as our points got up by 3. It was now 28-29. I looked backwards finally and noticed Felix on the ground, groaning. Ooops, I kicked him in his stomach. I put out my hand for him to hold but he ignored it. Or well he ignored me. He slapped my hand away and got up by himself. I couldn't care less and walked away. 

Haneul made the last shot with ease as we rose to victory. We jumped up in joy although it was just an everyday game. I made my way to the bench and tied my hair. I noticed Felix leaving the court with an angry expression. Well sucks to lose. 

After the last bell, Haneul and I were walking to the garage where I parked my bike. 'Whoa you drive a bike? That's so hot and cool at the same time,' she exclaimed. 'Haneul, your inner gay is coming out,' I said and patted her shoulders. She rolled her eyes and asked me, 'Can you please take me home? My driver is sick today and I don't know where the bus is. I have never been on one. Pleaseeee?' 'Alright okay. Get on,' I said and gave her my spare helmet. 

I was driving when she asked me, 'Hyerin, how was your day? As your tour guide, I am supposed to ask you this.' 'It was good. Except the part when Lee know was flirting with me,' I gagged. 'Tell me about it. He really never gets into a serious relationship but people just end up having a crush on him. He takes advantage of their feelings and sleeps with them. The next day he pretends to have never known them. I suggest you to not fall for him. Any of my brothers actually,' Haneul said. 'The total definition of a douchebag,' I said as we both giggled. 

'Thanks for the ride,' she exclaimed as she went into her huge house. Or should I say mansion? Their parents must really be rich. Spoiled kids they are. Well except for Haneul. She is nice and also the first friend I made here. I drove back to my house and was parking when I noticed Felix and Lee know giggling as they entered Felix's house. It was the first time I saw Felix smiling. They must really be close. 

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