Part 9

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I marched down the stairs of my house. I need to tell Felix that what he did yesterday was wrong. I mean I know that it was a kiss cam but I could have just kissed Lee know. I was about to. Why in hell did he have to ruin my moment? He needs to give me an explanation. 

I looked around the house but did not find a glimpse of oppa. Maybe he left for college already. I'll have breakfast in the canteen. I need to go to school early today. I left on my motorbike and arrived at school at 7:40 when I was supposed to arrive at 8:05. Early, yes. And the perfect opportunity to talk to Felix. 

But I did not find him anywhere. Late lettuce. He is probably still sleeping. I groaned and went to my locker. For what did I wake up so early then? 'Heya,' Haneul chirped from behind me. 'Look at you. You are in such a good mood. Much better than that day. Stay like this,' I pleaded. She nodded gleefully. 'What's the first class you have?' she asked. 'Geography, you?' I asked back. 'Me too. Come on let's go,' she said and started jumping in joy. What was she so happy about?

'What are you so happy about?' I couldn't control my curiosity. 'You haven't heard the news? We are up against the boys in the school, officially. The last matches were just practice. We have the real deal at the end of the month. Finally! I have dreamed of this for way too long. We just needed strong players like you,' she said and patted my shoulder. 'Thanks,' I replied. It was great. Finally we'd be against the boys, fair and square. 

'Children, go to page number 68. We will study today about rocks. Who can tell me the definition of rocks,' the teacher asked. I immediately put my hand up. Shit, Felix did too. Of course he would have. 'Except for Felix and Hyerin, anyone else try?' the teacher  asked again. Why? For what? I disappointedly looked back at my textbook. 

The first two periods passed as I took out my math book for the third. 'Hey Hyerin,' Haneul called. 'Yeah?' I answered. 'Do you want to come over today?' she asked with a little hint of fear of rejection. 'Like go to your house?' I repeated. 'Yes? Do you want to? I mean you can always decline. It's just a suggestion,' she looked back at her textbook. 'I'd love to. You are my best friend Haneul. Don't "suggest". Just tell me to come over, and I will. Okay?' I asked. She nodded happily as I couldn't help but laugh myself. 

Break time came as I exited the classroom. 'Bye Hyerin, monday, duties,' she said and walked away after I nodded. I will find Felix. I will just ask him for an explanation, nothing more.    

I searched the school for him but did not find him. I am extremely unlucky. Wait. There still isn't a place I have looked at. The rooftop. I ran up the stairs to the rooftop and found him sitting on a chair with a book in his hand. So this was his hideout to hide from those who are far less worthy than him. Well.....I found it today. 

I opened the metal door as he took a glance at me. Finding me not interesting, he shifted his gaze to his book again. 'Yah,' I called out. No answer. Nor did he look at me. Calm down, Hyerin. He's a brat. He's a brat. You know it more than anyone else. Calm down. 'Listen I am not trying to have a pleasant happy conversation with you here, so please, Your Highness, look at me,' I begged. He closed his book and kept it aside. 'What?' he asked. 

'I want to know why you kissed me,' I asked.

'It was a kiss cam. I was supposed to kiss you.'

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