Part 8

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'Woo hoo,' I jumped up as my favorite batsman scored a 6. Honestly I did not care about Lee know or Felix right now. The game is more important. I came here to get away from Felix and come to a decision about whom I like. Now the situation is too out of control.

'Interval,' the intercom said as the big screen which was showing the batsmen changed in a pink color. The color I dreaded the most. The enemy of my favorite color. Pink. I hate everything about pink. I hate pink cotton candy, I hate pink dresses, I hate pink phone cases and I most importantly hate what was about to show right now. The pink Kiss Cam.

So supposedly people are supposed to kiss if the kiss cam stops in from of you. And it will be displayed on the full screen. I dont want to kiss any of them. Lee know or Felix. Well I guess I want to kiss Lee know a little but not Felix.

The little bastard of a thing moved around the stadium, stopping in front of two people where they had to kiss. Just then the camera started moving to where we were sitting. Shit shit shit. Just pass by me. I am not beautiful. Well maybe I am a little beautiful but dont stop in front of me. Dont. Dont. Dont. If it stops in front of me and Lee know, I wont have a problem. Please kiss cam, if you want to stop, please stop in front of me and Lee know. Please please please. Oh yes-- now sto-

It stopped. It stopped. It freaking stopped. Right in front of me.........and Felix. No no no no no no. I am not kissing him. The crowd looked at us as I awkwardly looked at Lee know first and not the person I was supposed to be kissing. He looked back at me, expressionless. Tell something dude! Anything. On not getting any response from him, I looked over at Felix who had the same expression as me and Lee know. Confused yet without any expression.

'Come on, how long are you going to make us wait?' some old man from the stadium shouted. That man was probably drunk on beer. 'Kiss kiss kiss. Kiss kiss kiss,' the crowd began. 'No no. He is not my boyfriend. We are not a couple. It's a misunderstanding. Right?'I looked at Felix hoping for a little support. Well that little son of a gun kept quiet. Of course he'd want me to suffer. 'I wont kiss you,' I whispered into his ear. He looked away. That arrogant brat.

'Then kiss the guy on the right side of you. He is handsome too,' someone shouted again. Yes!! Finally my chance. I dont even know why I am so desperate. I have never been this way with any other guy. Well Asian men are superior.

I looked at Lee know shyly. I still hate myself for doing that. He smirked, moving from his unbearable expressionless face. As I was about to lean in, someone grabbed my wrist from the other side and pulled me backwards. I stumbled backwards but caught myself. I turned around and expectedly, the hand belonged to Felix.

'Let's get this over with,' he said and leaned in, placing his lips gently on mine. I forgot about how awkward of a position Lee know must be in right now and engrossed myself in the thought that Felix was such an amazing kisser. After a few seconds, I pulled away. I turned around, probably shy as that was my first kiss. Yeah no one expected.

Felix looked at Lee know and smirked. It's the first time I actually saw him smirk or do anything with his face other than keep it straight. 'Jealous much?' he asked Lee know who chuckled. That was totally unexpected. 'Of you?' he whispered something else into the ears of Felix as he clenched his jaw. What could be so worse that Lee know told which made Felix mad?

The rest of the game continued in an awkward silence but I couldn't control myself when my favorite team won.

Lee know dropped me in front of my house as I walked in after saying goodbye. Today was terrible and awkward. 'Hey, enjoyed the game?' oppa asked. I nodded my head and gave him a smile. 'Oppa I am just going to go upstairs really quick. I will take a shower and complete my homework,' I said and ran up. 

'Shit went down,' I screamed as I called my bestie. 'Why what happened? Your favorite team lost?' she asked. 'It would have been better if it did,' I massaged the nape of my neck. 'Why? Now you are making me worried. Come on, tell me, tell me,' she whined. 'I went there.....with Lee know. Everything was fine until Felix showed up. Apparently he also came to watch the match and booked the seat next to me. It was terrible,' I groaned. 'So, that's it? I thought you had your first kiss or something,' she blabbered. 'I did.'

She stopped dead from her actions and looked at me. 'What?' she practically shouted. 'It was the kiss cam's fault,' I blamed. 'No way you got to kiss Lee know on the kiss cam. I once went with my crush to a baseball match just to get caught on the kiss cam but instead, he kissed the girl on the opposite side of me. Speak of bad luck,' she rolled her eyes. 'Yeah about that. I did not kiss Lee know. The kiss cam stopped in front of me and........Felix.'

She gasped. She totally gasped. 'I am sure, you like Lee Felix,' she came to a conclusion. 'I don't. It wasn't my fault that the kiss cam stopped in front of me,' I shot back. 'No but you are not even reacting like you did when that Andrews guy from our school tried to kiss you. You practically blew him up. Now you are just.....contemplating,' she said as I realized that what she was true. 

'But I can't like Felix,' I plopped myself on the bed. 'Why?' she asked. ', his brother continuously flirts with me and I am pretty sure I like him. And second, he hates me. I am his competitor. He looks for any chance just to beat me. He sometimes does but I win too,' I defended myself in the last sentence. 'Then you just like both of them,' she suggested. 'Maybe I do.'

'You know what? I am going to confront that little piece of shit about why he stole my first kiss, tomorrow. I never gave him the right to do so.' 

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