Part 11

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'Me? Why should I be there? It's your family dinner. It wont be appropriate for me to join,'I rubbed my nape with my hand. 'Please? It will be way too awkward only we four are there. I wouldn't have asked if my father was home,'she pleaded. 'Fine. But ask your mother first.'

'Yes, I will ask that woman. Come with me,' she rolled her eyes and walked downstairs with me. 'Omo? You are already leaving?' Haneul's mother asked. 'No she is not. She will be staying with us through dinner,' Haneul clearly stated. Her mother looked directly at her with a glare. Oh no she is is huge trouble. 'Sure......dinner will be ready in an hour. I suppose Haneul has already told you. My sons are coming over to have dinner,'she said. 'Yes she stated.'

Her mother gave us a faint smile before disappearing into the kitchen. 'Let's wait--,' Haneul's words were cut short with the doorbell suddenly ringing. Shit shit shit. They were here. 'Oh my sons are here. I will get the door,' Haneul's mother said and ran towards the huge doors. I gulped my heart back down my throat remembering the not so happy moment I had with Felix today where I challenged him in the open.

The door opened and revealed a certain Lee Felix with his shining black hair and his white shirt with two buttons undone. He walked inside as if it was his-- oh right it was his house. 'Where is Lee know?' his mother asked. 'He will come afterwards. He said--,' he suddenly stopped as his eyes met mine. He was shocked for sure. He surely did not expect to see me. 'What's she doing here?' he asked Haneul as I looked at her for a little support. She nodded quickly and answered.

'She is staying through dinner,' Haneul replied. 'I though this was a family dinner,' he rolled his eyes. 'Yes it would have been if anyone among us thought of me as family. Since I am an outsider, why not bring another one?' she snapped at Felix. He walked straight past her, bumping his shoulder into Haneul's. What a piece of shit.

We waited until the door opened again. It has to be Lee know this time. Indeed it was. He walked right in wearing a black jacket and a silver chain. 'What are you doing here?' he asked slightly amused. 'She is eating at our plac--.' 'I dont mind,' Lee know shrugged his shoulders, passing me a smirk and leaving the room.

'Dinner is ready,' Haneul's mother exclaimed as we both got up. 'If anything goes wrong, it's your fault,' I whispered into Haneul's ears as she giggled slightly. Lee know and Felix were already seated as Haneul took a seat. I grabbed the seat next to her. Haneul's mother soon came and sat down as the chefs put the food on the table. Lee know began eating right away as Haneul took a drumstick herself. 'Please enjoy Hyerin, you are our guest,' Haneul's mother said as I fake smiled.

'So, there are some important things which I want to discuss,' Haneul's mother said. Shit shit shit. Now here comes the awkward part. Can I just disappear and come back again after they are done talking. 'Your father is coming back.' I looked at Haneul whose mood instantly lit up. She put down the fork as she said, 'Really? It's been a long while since I last saw him.' Her mother rolled her eyes at her step daughter. God please forgive me but I have to say this at least once. She's a bitch.

Dinner ended with Felix and me being quiet the whole time except for when auntie asked me what stream I wanted to pursue. 'What would you like to study when you graduate, Hyerin?' she had asked. In reflex I looked at Felix who I noticed was looking at me. Am I that beautiful? Maybe I am.

'I haven't really thought about that but I have a liking towards biotechnology. If I still have a liking towards that when I graduate, I will possibly undergo the biotechnology engineering program,' I smiled. 'So you pretty much have your life planned out?' she asked. I nodded my head. 'You should teach something to Minho. All he does is goof around. It's okay, he is in that age but he will be off to college next year. He must focus,' she said as I internally rolled my eyes. Yes, teach him, of course. I will be dead if I go anywhere near 10 meters proximity to him. He won't be the one to kill me but I will myself.

'Yes teach me,' he said as he rested comfortably on his chair. Felix side-glanced Lee know and began eating again. 'Of course, of course,' I mumbled and directed my attention to the bulgogi. 'Excuse me but where is the washroom?' I asked as I got up. 'Oh right there, you have finished eating?' Haneul asked. 'Mmh hmm,' I replied.

'I will be in my room,' Felix said as he got up and left. I walked in the direction of the washroom and entered. It was three times bigger than my washroom which I currently had. I washed my hands and left............only to be pinned on the bathroom door by the one and only Lee Felix. Shit. Why is he so close?

He put one of his hands on my side and bent down to be on my level. 'What do you think you are doing? Move!' I sternly said but a snicker was all I heard in response. 'I know. You are desperate. You think you are so strong and witty when you are just a small little girl who is begging for my attention,' he said which made my blood boil. His attention? As if.

Alright I had enough. I punched him in his stomach as he moved away, clutching his stomach. 'How is that for begging for your attention?' I smirked. 'You are so dead,' he murmured. 'Oh! Right. You work as a part time soldier now. Good job. At least you dont need sweet words to protect the country,'I sarcastically said.

'I think the deal is still on?' I asked. Why am I doing this? It's better if he calls the deal off. But getting embarrassed is far more worse than losing.

'Of course sweetheart. Try me.'

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