Part 27

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'What-- what are you talking about?' I asked as I pulled my hand back.

'Stay. Hyerin. Please.'

'Why? I mean-- except Haneul and oppa no one really wants me here. Like for instance, many of my classmates hate me, you hate m-.'

'I don't hate you Hyerin,' he raised his voice again.

'Ok so then maybe you dont hate me but you cant tolerate m-.'

'Are you really not understanding or are you pretending to not understand?' he asked me, clearly angry.

'What do you want to say? Say it clearly,' I demanded while my heart's beat started increasing.

'I like you, Hyerin. I always did. Ever since the beginning. Even before you confessed to Lee know hyung. Heck even before we made that stupid bet. I was really hurt when you kept pushing me to date that girl. I dont even know her name. You just dont seem to get it. My heart flutters every time you do something unexpected. Do you know how flustered I got when you applied medicine to my han--.'

This time I was the one to cut him off.

'I like you too,' I quickly said not wanting to waste a second. This was different. When I confessed to Lee know, I hesitated to say it. But this time, it came out naturally. 

We looked at each other for a few seconds as his gaze became breathtaking. He looked intimidating.

His breath hitched when he softly whispered, 'Can I kiss you? Hyerin? Without any interruptions or coincidenc--.'

I pulled his collar down and whispered into his ear, 'Just kiss me already.....or I will.' I pulled away and noticed a bright shade of pink visible on his cheeks.

He cupped my cheeks with his hand, not wasting a second and softly planted his lips on mine. This was the only time I did not think about what would happen next. All I could think about was him. I still couldn't believe it. Felix confessed to me.

Our lips moved in sync as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his hands around my waist, pulling me closer and deepening the kiss.

'GROUPCHAT,' someone yelled from behind. I pushed Felix away in reflex and turned around to see who this havoc creator was. 'Oppa!!' I yelled to see oppa clicking a picture of us and giggling slightly. 'What the heck are you doing here? I thought you weren't home,' I mumbled again. 'No! I was here the whole time. You know some of my friends even bet on you both to be in a relationship. I will send this to them as proof. Yay!' he giggled again and stared typing something.

'Dont you dare,' I said and went towards him. I just remembered that Lee know must be in the group chat since he is one of oppa's friends. 'Felix! Say something. You know that Lee know is in the group chat right?' I asked him.

'Let him see. What's wrong. He should know...not to mess with you. Because you are mine,' he said and pulled my wrist from going any further towards my oppa. Is this a critical time to blush? I don't think so. As I blushed hysterically standing there.

'And now we are doomed,' I muttered  as I saw oppa clicking send. 'Now I will tease you both all I want,' he said and made a mocking face. 'I will talk you later,' I said and dragged Felix out of my house. We both stood there awkwardly and none of us said a word. 'Hyerin...will you be my girlfriend?' Felix asked me out of the blue as my heart started hammering. I took a long while before answering, 'Yes.' He blushed like an idiot and it was totally visible. 'Alright, I will see you tomorrow,' he waved at me and walked into his house. 

I walked in to see oppa standing in front of the door, mischievously smiling. 'Don't you dare tease me,' I glared at him before he could even begin. 'Alright. Alright. I won't say anything,' he flashed me a smile and went to sit on the couch. I ran upstairs and threw myself on the bed. No no. I am dreaming right? Yes. I am. I pinched my cheek and immediately rubbed it because of the pain. No I am not. This is real. 

I went to sleep with a joyous heart. The next day I woke up rather early. Felix usually went to school early for dealing the drugs he brought yesterday. I am kidding. I wore my school uniform and went down to eat. 'Oppa! I am having cereal for breakfast. I have to rush to school. You make yourself something,' I shouted right in front of his room to make him wake up. He did not. 

I walked out of my room and saw Felix starting his car. Alright! I can talk to him right? Yes. I walked to him as he turned around. But his face was just as it was before, emotionless. 'Hi,' I nervously waved at him. 'Hey?' he replied but it was more of a question. 'Why are you talking that way? What happened to...yesterday?' I asked him as my heart was beating really fast. 'What happened yesterday? I don't remember,' he said and stared right through me. This can't be happening again. Was I just dreaming?

'Wow,' I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. 'Hey, hey. I am kidding,' he burst out laughing and wrapped his hands around me. 'Don't kid about these things. It's not funny,' I mumbled as I hugged him back. 'Let's go. I will give you a ride,' he said and opened his car door. He sat down on the driver's seat as I sat down next to him. 'But what if everyone sees us?' I asked him once he started the car. 'So what? Let people see us. I want to introduce everyone to my beautiful girlfriend,' he said and began driving. 

Shit. Shit. Why am I blushing? This is annoying. God. 'Let's keep it a secret, for now. I must come up with a way to tell Haneul before she finds out coincidentally,' I mumbled feeling more nervous than ever. 'Why does she care?' he asked me. 'Listen, mister. You have to be good to her if you want to be my boyfriend. She is my best friend before you are my boyfriend. And yes, she does care. I don't know what caused the feud between you two but I won't tolerate you behaving badly to her,' I pointed at him. He sighed deeply and whispered a "yes". 

'But you only like me because of my beautiful face?' I asked him as he chuckled lightly. 'No. I will introduce everyone to my ugly girlfriend with a beautiful personality,' he laughed again. 'We're here,' he said after a few minutes as he put the car to a stop. 'Bye,' I waved at him and entered my school.  

Cheers to the first day of my relationship! 

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