02 | Luke

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"Luke, practice tonight?" One of my team mates asked me at lunch. The rest turned to look at me.

"No, I'm busy. We've got time next week" I told them. I'd barely seen Maddie over the last couple of weeks and I was wasn't missing another chance.

"Come on man, we really need to practice. We have to win our next game" Kyle was right.

"Fine but we need to be done my 5:30 and no later" I told them and they nodded and started discussing plans and tactics we could use.

"What you up to then, Hemmings?" Calum, one of my closest friends and vice captain asked me. He nudged me with his elbow and raised his eyebrows suggestively. Everyone else had gone back into their own conversations now so it was just me and Calum. He was one of my best friends but with him being vice captain, he's the person who would kick me off the team if he found out about Maddie and I.

"Nothing much, just got a friend coming over"

"So, a girl?" I stayed quiet, thinking of an answer. "You seeing her?" I shook my head.

"She's just a friend"

"We'll see about that, Hemmo. Can I come over and meet her?" I shook my head rapidly.

"Definitely not. I don't want you scaring her off"

"I'm pretty sure your height, shoulders and accent will do that all on its own" I shook my head and laughed. I was tall, probably over six foot. I had broad shoulders which girls seemed to love for some reason. And finally, I was Australian. I moved over here just before the start of middle school. That's when I met Maddie. We bonded over how her middle is Sydney and I was from Sydney. I don't even know how it came up. I remember neither of us knew anyone else in our class so being the two newbies, we decided to become friends. Then we went to the same high school to be together and found out we couldn't be friends. I texted Maddie discreetly, letting her know I had football practice in case I was late. She replied quickly saying she had cheer practice as well.


I looked over at the cheer squad whilst we took a five minute break. They were doing some kind of move that involved a flip, a handstand and a cartwheel. I watched as Maddie did it, nailing every part and landing perfectly. She was definitely one of the strongest members but was always nearer the back because Chelsea, the head cheerleader, liked to be at the front with Ashley and Katie. Maddie didn't seem bothered though. I saw Maddie look over at us and she did a small smile which I returned and mouthed good job.

"I'm just gonna say it. Those cheerleaders are fucking hot" James said and there was a chorus of agreement.

"This whole rule thing sucks because I'd happily fuck one of them"

"Oi, Luke" I turned to face the team. "You're captain, can't you do something about it?"

"The feud? The written laws?" I shrugged. "Maybe but I don't know. Plus, it would have to be agreed with Chelsea" This brought a chorus of groans around.

"She would never agree. She's way too stuck up"

"Exactly" I said.

"I really wish we could be the year to change that stupid rule. Just think, we would go down in history" Josh said and we laughed slightly but at the same time agreed. Damn, I wish Chelsea would agree.


"Hey, I figured you'd realise where I was" I said as Maddie got into my car. She threw her bag on the back seats.

"Yeah. I couldn't see your car so I kept walking" Whenever it's too busy and we have a chance of being seen, I'll drive down the road slightly to a cul-de-sac and wait for Maddie there.

"So, how was practice?" I asked.


"You nailed that move that I saw"

"Thanks. I'm the only one that did"

"Not even Chelsea?" She shook her head. "Speaking of Chelsea, do you think she would agree to lifting the law on cheerleaders and jocks?"

"This is Chelsea, of course not" Maddie said. "Why'd you ask?"

"The guys and I were talking about it and we all hate it. They said you guys were hot and that they wish they could fuck you all, but that's beside the point"

"Well, Chelsea's not going to agree. She always reminds us of the rules and she always goes on about how it's good that we don't mix with one another because you're all trouble"

"Damn" I said and Maddie laughed slightly.


We were watching a movie. I have no idea what but it was on TV so we thought we'd watch it. None of my family were home so we'd taken over use of the living room with the big TV. Maddie leaned closer to me and I rested my hand on her thigh. I absentmindedly moved it up and down without even realising how high I was getting.

"L-luke" Her breathing hitched. I looked over to see her looking down at my hand.

"Sorry, I-"

"I don't mind. I just wondered if you'd realised" I looked again and noticed how I had managed to push the skirt of her practice uniform up. I bit my lip as I saw the flesh that I had unveiled. I felt myself begin to harden at the thought. I excused myself, going to the bathroom to sought out my problem quietly.

On my return to the living room I saw that Maddie had changed the channel and was watching 'How I Met Your Mother' instead. It was our favourite show.

"You took your time" She said as I sat down. I didn't say anything and she turned to face me. "I know what you did, Luke. I could see you trying to cover it up out the corner of my eye"

"Oh, fuck. I didn't want you to see"

"Why? Luke, we're 17. We're not unknown to this kind of stuff"

"I know but it's kind of weird after" I paused. "You know" She nodded.

Let me explain. When we were 13 maybe 14 we made this pact that if one or neither of us had lost their viginity by the time they were 17, allowing each a year, we would lose it to the other. And that's what happened. Sometimes I feel awkward about it and other times I feel it brought us closer. We've both done it since with other people and once again with each other. That time it kind of just happened. We weren't exactly sober. It was at a party and I'm surprised we didn't get caught. But Maddie's still the best I've ever had but to be honest I'm probably her worst. I'm too awkward. But for some reason she likes that about me. But anyway, this is another reason we can't get caught because sex with the enemy? That's a whole other level of interaction.

04 | Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now