Epilogue | Luke

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- Three and a half years later -

"So, you ready for today?" Maddie asked me as we stood in our bedroom getting ready. Maddie was doing her hair and makeup whilst I was getting changed.

"Yeah, I think so" I told her.

"Good, this meeting could change your life"

"Don't you mean our lives?" She laughed slightly and rolled her eyes.

Let me explain. During college, Calum and I decided that we should start a band. We got Ashton and Michael in on it too. We've done a few gigs around the college area and around our hometown when we were back occasionally. Ashton got a call about a record label wanting to meet with us about two weeks ago to which we jumped at the chance. Today was the day we had the meeting. None of us had jobs currently except for Ashton. Michael wasn't keen on work but was fully dedicated to the band. Maddie wasn't so sure it was the best career path at first but she's come round to it. She's majored in media and minored in photography so I'm hoping that there might be something for her in it to.

After college we moved into our own house. It was slightly out of our hometown and it wasn't overly big but it was good enough for us. We had two bedrooms, three bathrooms, one downstairs, an en suite and another upstairs. We had a small kitchen and dining room and a descent size living room. Maddie loved it the minute she laid eyes on it. We both worked whenever we didn't have classes in similar jobs to what we did at home and both our parents helped us to pay for it.

I watched as Maddie applied her mascara before pulling her bun out a bit more and securing it again. I still can't get over the fact we're still together. I thought she'd find someone much better than me at college but she didn't. She's my world.

"Luke, you're gonna be late if you don't get ready"

"We're gonna be late anyway, Ashton's picking us all up" We both went downstairs to get breakfast quickly. I heard a car horn and grabbed my keys, phone and wallet, shoving them into my pockets. "I'll see you later, Mads" I told her, kissing her cheek and hugging her.

"Good luck" I smiled at her before going out to Ashton's car.


"How did it go?" Maddie asked as soon as I got into the house.

"Well, they offered us a record deal and they want us to start writing more songs next week" I said to her casually. Before I knew it she was hugging me.

"I'm so happy for you"

"Oh, I left out the best part. They were talking about who could be our publicist and everything and we mentioned you. They said they'd meet with you next week"

"Seriously?" I nodded.

"This is amazing. Thank you so much"

"Anything for you" I told her, hugging her again.

"I can't believe we've only been out of college for five months and are lives are already coming together" She said, sitting on the sofa.

"I'm so glad I didn't go ahead with football"

"You're doing what makes you happy and I couldn't be prouder. I love you, Luke Robert Hemmings"

"I love you, Madison Sydney Carter"


OK, that's the end of this book. I'm not going to do a sequel but I have started a new Luke Hemmings book which I will post on this story at some point so don't delete this from you libraries yet ;).

Thank you so much for reading. I appreciate every single read, comment and vote. I really hope you enjoyed the story.

Thanks again :) x

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